项目名称: 离子阱中单颗囚禁纳米颗粒的共振光谱实验研究
项目编号: No.21475139
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 聂宗秀
作者单位: 中国科学院化学研究所
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 金属纳米颗粒由于宏观量子效应而显示出与非金属颗粒不同的光学性能-局域表面等离子体共振(LSPR),LSPR光谱与颗粒的尺寸、构型等参数密切相关,大多数实验在溶液中进行。本项目使用离子选择囚禁技术,在真空条件下进行单颗完整金属纳米颗粒的LSPR光谱的精确测量。纳米颗粒离子由激光诱导声波脱吸的方法产生,小型圆柱体离子阱进行选择囚禁,得到单颗完整的金属颗粒离子。在白光光源照射下,结合显微镜光学技术,有效探测金属纳米粒子的散射光谱。对单颗纳米粒子的特征光谱进行精确测定,有助于了解颗粒的结构和特性,为纳米科学和材料科学提供有用的实验数据。同时将单个颗粒巨大分子体系从外部世界孤立出来,静止于一个特定的空间,不仅为单分子水平上研究颗粒巨大分子提供了平台,也为复杂体系、生命体系的结构及相互作用研究提供了可能。
中文关键词: 离子阱;纳米颗粒;共振光谱
英文摘要: Metal nanoparticles exhibit unique optical and chemical proterties comparing with the nonmetal particle due to their macroscopic quantum effects, which is localized surface plasmon resonace(LSPR).The LSPR characteristics strongly depend on the intrinsic properties of the metal nanoparticles such as size, shape, structure; and most LSPR spectra are obtained from experiments in liquid environment. In this project, ion trap tecnique is utilized to measure the LSPR spectrum of single metal nanopaticle in vacuum.The nanopaticle ions are generated through laser-induced acoustic desorption ionization,and a miniature cylinder ion trap is used to selectively trap and obtain single metal nanopaticle ion.In the irradiation of white light,the scatting light of single metal nanopaticle will be measured using microscopy. The precise measurement of the LSPR spectra of small metal nanoparticles will help us more profoundly understand their composition and property, and also provide useful database for nanoscience and material science.In addtion, isolating the system of single particle macromolecule from the outside world and keeping it still in a particular space, not only offer a platform for researching single particle macromolecule, but also provide more possiblities for investigating the structure and interaction of complex system and living system.
英文关键词: ion trap;nano particle;resonance spectroscopy