项目名称: 多功能无机杂化功能分子的制备与性能
项目编号: No.21471030
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 徐洪耀
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 无机杂化功能材料,尤其是纳米无机多功能杂化分子的合成与制备方法,是当前纳米和无机功能材料化学领域的研究热点。本项目基于反应条件优化,系统探讨反应分子中活性基团的性能对多功能POSS单体制备和结构控制的影响;通过双光子性能和凝聚态发光增强荧光探针分子的设计,制备多功能POSS基纳米无机杂化材料;采用共聚焦(Cofocus)飞秒激光光学系统、 1H NMR、29Si NMR、FTIR、FL、UV-vis、XRD、元素分析等现代光谱技术和性能测试方法,对多功能POSS基无机杂化材料的结构、双光子性能、荧光探针等性能进行表征和性能测试,系统探讨多功能杂化分子中纳米和凝聚态光学增强效应,深入研究分子结构与性能之间的构效关系;通过量化计算和实验研究结合,系统研究不同功能基团之间的相互作用机理。为未来多功能先进无机杂化材料的开发与应用提供新的研究思路。
中文关键词: 无机功能材料;杂化材料;双光子吸收;荧光材料
英文摘要: The inorganic hybrid functional materials, in particular, the synthesis or preparation method of nano-sized inorganic multifunctional hybrid materials are the hot topics of research presently in the field of inorganic functional materials. In the project, the influence of active group structure of molecules on preparation and structural control of POSS monomers will be explored in detail by means of optimizing the reaction conditions. The multifunctional POSS-based inorganic hybrid materials will be prepared through the molecular designs of functional molecules with two-photon absorption or fluorescent probe. Their molecular structure will be characterized by 1H NMR、29Si NMR、FTIR、XRD、element analysis and so on. Their optical properties will be evaluated by cofocus laser system with femtosecond pulse, FL, UV-vis spectral technical. The relationship between molecular structure and their properties will be deeply studied on the basis of investigation of nanometer enhancement and condensed matter emitting enhancement effects. The interaction mechanism among functional groups will be investigated through the experiment combined with theoretical calculation, which hopes to provide researching ways for further development and application of advanced functional materials.
英文关键词: Inorganic functional materials;hybrid materials;two-photon absorption;fluorescent materials