项目名称: PCC能量桩桩身变形分布式测量及其桩土作用研究
项目编号: No.51508159
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 高磊
作者单位: 河海大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: PCC能量桩是河海大学开发的一种具有自主知识产权的新型能量桩技术。了解和掌握PCC能量桩桩身变形特征和桩土作用对于PCC能量桩的优化设计和施工非常重要。本项目拟采用全新的BOTDA 分布式光纤传感测量技术对PCC能量桩桩身变形进行全分布、长期和实时监测,在获取该新型桩桩身应变和温度分布的基础上,采用有限差分法,建立PCC能量桩桩土作用数值分析模型,对PCC能量桩的桩身变形特征和桩土作用进行研究,深入分析该新型桩的承载机理。通过本项目的研究,研发出适合PCC能量桩的分布式光纤监测试验技术和方法;为PCC能量桩的桩身应力和应变分布更深入研究提供基础性数据;并对该新型桩桩身变形特征和桩土作用研究能够有新的认识。该项研究将为PCC能量桩的优化设计、施工、推广应用等提供科学的理论支撑和技术保障。
中文关键词: PCC能量桩;桩身变形;桩土作用;BOTDA;光纤
英文摘要: The PCC energy pile technology is a new type of foundation reinforcement technology with independent intellectual property rights of Hohai University. The deformation characteristics and pile soilinteraction of PCC energy pile is very important for optimizing thedesign and construction of PCC energy pile. The new technology of BOTDA distributed optical fiber sensing technology for deformation and temperature fully finedistributed, long-term and real-time monitoring measurement of PCC energy pile is used in this program. The finite difference method isadopted based on the strain distribution of new pile body. A pile soil interactionnumerical analysis model of PCC energy pile is established, thedeformation characteristics of pile and pile soil interaction deformation of PCC energy pile is studied. The bearing mechanism of the new pile isanalyzed. Through this program, a distributed fiber construction techniques andmethods suitable for monitoring PCC energy pile are developed. Thebasic data of stress and strain distribution for PCC energy pile isprovided. It will bring new understanding for the deformation and pile soilinteraction of PCC energy pile. The study will provide scientifictheoretical and technical support to optimize the design, construction, marketing applications for PCC energy pile.
英文关键词: PCC energy pile;Pile deformation;Pile soil interaction;BOTDA;Optical fiber