项目名称: 中国南极昆仑站AST3-3和1米口径红外望远镜塔架研究
项目编号: No.11503023
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 田启国
作者单位: 中国极地研究中心
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 开展第三台南极巡天望远镜AST3-3和1米口径红外望远镜塔架设计研究。塔架高度计划为15米,高于昆仑站平均边界层厚度,塔架的应用将使昆仑站台址优势得到充分发挥,获得准空间的观测条件。塔架包括基座,塔身,面积为4米×4米的顶部月台,滑轮组,梯子等部分。塔架结构采用以四个等腰三角形为支撑基础的几何结构以确保稳定性。结合自筹经费开展塔架加工,性能测试和昆仑站现场安装。基于塔架开展昆仑站台址参数测量工作。在塔的顶部月台安装DIIMM望远镜,获得昆仑站边界层之上视宁度的第一手资料。通过塔载多层温度脉动仪,超声风速计测量昆仑站近地面大气湍流强度,进而得到视宁度,同时搭载多层温度湿度,风速风向等传感器测量常规气象参数。这些台址参数的获得将为今后昆仑站天文设备的研制和现场安装提供重要参考依据。
中文关键词: 望远镜塔架;视宁度;台址;昆仑站;边界层湍流
英文摘要: The design is proposed for the tower of the third of the three Antarctic Survey Telescopes (AST3-3) and the 1 meter diameter infrared telescope. The height of the tower is designed to be 15 meters higher than the boundary layer (13.9 m in median) at Dome A. With the help of the tower, the telescopes can be raised above the boundary layer, and thus Dome A will provide telescopes with extraordinary good seeing. The tower consists of a pedestal, 3-storey framework, a 4m × 4 m platform, ladder and pulley. We will develop further the 4-triangle principle based on Serurrier truss for application in the rotation-stable tower under wind load. By the support of the self-financing, the tower construction, performance testing will also be carried out. By the tower, further site testing will be performed. A DIMM telescope will be placed on the platform to measure the seeing above the boundary layer for the first time. Meanwhile, the micro-thermal sensors and three dimensional sonic anemometer will be mounted in several heights along the tower to record the atmospheric optical turbulence Cn2, and thus the seeing can be obtained through the superposition of them. In addition, meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity and wind speed et al will also be measured by corresponding sensors mounted on the tower at several heights. The site testing will provide key information for the future astronomical activities at Kunlun station.
英文关键词: Telescope tower;Seeing;site;Kunlun station;Boundary layer turbulence