项目名称: 水环境异常事件信息表征与过滤方法研究
项目编号: No.41301441
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈泽强
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 水环境异常事件监测是水环境监测与预警的重要前提和基础。目前,水环境监测主要是以数据为中心的监测方法,存在主动性不足和信息级别不高等多种问题,影响了水环境异常事件监测效能。针对这些问题,本课题提出了以事件为中心的监测方法,并围绕其两大核心科学问题水环境事件信息表征模型和水环境异常事件过滤方法展开研究,研究包括水环境事件信息描述模型和编码方式、水环境异常事件时间过滤算法、以及水环境事件空间过滤算法。本课题对解决水环境事件统一描述和编码,以及水环境异常事件过滤等核心问题具有积极作用,并对以事件为中心的监测方法的发展具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 事件建模;事件过滤;时空过滤;洪涝事件;主动服务
英文摘要: Monitoring abnormal event of water environment is an important precondition and basis of water environment monitoring and warning. Recently, the method of monitoring water environment is mainly based on data-centered method, and it exists many disadvantages as lack of initiative and low information level, which effect the capability of water environment monitoring. To solve these problems, a event-centered method to monitor water environment is proposed in this program, and its contents include: the information model and encoding method of water environment, time-based filter algorithm and spatail-based filter algorithm of abnormal water environment. This proposal will do benefit for sloving the problem of uniform encoding water environment event and abnormal water environment event, also it has an important significance for developing event-based monitoring method.
英文关键词: event modeling;event filter;sptaio-temporal filter;flood event;active service