项目名称: 风险度量下的离散异构制造系统供应链调度与算法
项目编号: No.61203178
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 潘常春
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本课题以活塞环制造企业的运营优化为研究背景,研究基于风险度量下的离散异构制造系统的供应链调度问题建模及其算法,考虑生产过程中设备的异构并行,生产的动态瓶颈制约和代工生产等制造特点,考虑成品需求和原材料价格不确定性下等市场因素。重点研究不确定信息下采购\计划\调度的一体决策建模,研究风险的可量化评估的有效计算方法, 研究复杂决策问题的多级分解规程和协同,研究动态瓶颈下的异构生产线的批量与调度集成问题,研究基于模型诱导的智能并行优化框架,研究实时风险快速评估与动态决策调整。研究目标是以学术界在调度理论的丰富研究成果为依托,分析企业制造过程中的新特点和新需求,研究解决新调度问题,发展先进制造的系统化调度方法。
中文关键词: 离散制造;生产过程调度;不确定性分析;混合优化;
英文摘要: The project is grouded on the operation optimization problem arising in piston ring manufacturing enterprises. We will focuse on the supply chain scheduling problem in discrete heterogeneous manufacturing system based on measurable fanancial risk.The considered manufaturing process are charaterized by the parallel and heterogeneous machines, dynamic production bottleneck restriction,and original equipment manufacturer etc. Morever, we consider the market factors,such as the uncertainty in purchase price of raw materia and the uncertainty in demand. The study will be emphasized on the following contents:the integrated formulation for purchase\plan\scheduling problem;the definition of measurable risk under uncertainty;the decomposition\coordination mechanism for complex decision problems based on multi-stage decesions; the integrated lotsizing and scheduling problem for heterogeneous parallel production lines under dynamic production bottlenecks;the model induced intelligent optimization framework; the on-line risk assessment and dynamic adjustment.This project aims to develop systematic scheduling methods based on affluent theoretical knowledge in acedemia so as to deal with the decision problem in manufacutring process where new problems and features appeared.
英文关键词: discrete manufacturing;process scheduling;uncertainty analysis;hybrid algorithm;