项目名称: 卡尔曼粒子滤波目标活动轮廓跟踪算法研究
项目编号: No.61362019
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 涂虬
作者单位: 上饶师范学院
项目金额: 42万元
中文摘要: 在复杂环境下跟踪可变形的运动目标是智能视频监视的难点和热点。可变形轮廓会形成一个高维状态空间,直接使用粒子滤波不实际,因为有效粒子数随维数增加急剧减小。本课题基于现有研究成果,提出结合卡尔曼滤波和带峰值跟踪的粒子滤波来检测和跟踪基于水平集的目标活动轮廓。其核心思想是将高维状态空间划分为小维数的有效基空间(大多数变形发生在该空间)和剩余空间(剩余基空间),再将有效基空间划分为全局运动有效基空间和局部变形有效基空间,对全局运动有效基空间采用卡尔曼滤波,局部变形有效基空间使用粒子滤波,这样进一步减小粒子滤波的状态空间维数,剩余基空间则采用峰值跟踪方法;同时为了使活动轮廓检测更加鲁棒,通过结合多种图像信息来构建活动轮廓能量泛函模型。最后因为粒子滤波适合于并行计算,采用并行计算技术来实现提出的目标轮廓检测和跟踪算法的并行计算版本,使其满足智能视频监视算法的实时性。
中文关键词: 轮廓跟踪;目标跟踪;活动轮廓;粒子滤波器;卡尔曼滤波器
英文摘要: Deformable moving object tracking in a complex background is difficult and hot in the smart video surveillance. Contour deformation can form an very large dimensional space, thus direct application of particle filters is impractical due to the greatly reduction of effective particle size as dimension increases. Based on existing research results, the proposal suggests combining the kalman filter and the particle filter with mode tracker to detecting and tracking active contour of object with level set. The key idea is that the state space is divided into effective basis space with a small number of dimensions (most of the contour deformation occurs in which space) and the rest of the state space(residual space), then effective basis space is divided into global motion effective basis space and local deformation effective basis space. We use kalman filter to predict global motion of object, and perform importance sampling on local deformation effective basis space. So we can greatly reduce the number of particles. we use a mode tracking step to track residual deformation. Meanwhile, in order to make the active contour detection more robust an energy functional of active contour is built by considering a variety of image information. Finally, because the particle filter is suitable for parallel computing, the proposed contour of object detecting and tracking algorithm(parallel computing version) will be achieved using parallel computing technology, to make the algorithm meet the requirements of real-time.
英文关键词: contour tracking;object tracking;active contour;particle filter;Kalman filter