项目名称: 基于分布式压缩感知的无线传感器网络环境监测研究
项目编号: No.61303209
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 周先存
作者单位: 皖西学院
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 无线传感器网络被广泛用于环境监测,通过对探测数据的分析可以获得重点区域内的各种状态信息。但是,由于节点能量有限,所以实际部署的网络运转寿命与节点数目有限,制约了无线传感器网络的推广与应用。本项目拟运用分步式压缩感知技术来解决这个问题,在采集环境数据时传输较少的数据,即可在终端恢复出精确的区域数据状态。为此,将对如下关键问题进行突破性研究:(1) 研究建立一个适用于无线传感器网络的分布式压缩感知模型;(2)设计基于分布式压缩感知技术的无线传感器网络分簇路由协议,制定新的数据传输和转发规则,减少数据传输次数;(3)研究簇内和簇间分布式稀疏随机测量矩阵自动生成算法;(4)研究基于分簇路由协议的分布式信号重构算法。本课题着眼于运用分布式压缩感知理论,解决无线传感器网络中对区域环境检测数据的精确处理问题。项目的研究成果对于推动无线传感器网络进一步的发展与应用具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 无线传感器网络;分布式压缩感知;环境监测;;
英文摘要: Wireless sensor networks are widely used for environmental monitoring, the key regions of the various status information can be obtained through the analysis of the probed data. However, due to the limited energy of nodes, so the actual the network scale and operational life is limited, which restricted the promotion and application of wireless sensor networks. The project intends to use distributed compressive sensing technology to solve this problem. You can restore accurate regional data state in the terminal when less data is transferred in the collection of environmental data, To do this, the following key issues will be broken through: (1) Study the establishment of a distributed compressed sensing model applicable to wireless sensor networks; (2) Design a cluster-based routing protocol based on the principle of compressed sensing, developing new data transmission and forwarding rules, reducing the number of data transferred; (3) Research automatic generation algorithm on distributed sparse random measurement matrix in a cluster or inter-clusters; (4) Research distributed signal reconstruction algorithm based on clustering routing protocol. The project focus on the use of distributed compressive sensing theory, to solve precise processing of regional environmental detection data in wireless sensor networks
英文关键词: Wireless Sensor Networks;distributed compressive sensing;environmental monitoring;;