项目名称: 空间近场完全非合作目标鲁棒相对位姿确定方法研究
项目编号: No.61503304
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 刘勇
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 空间近场完全非合作目标相对位姿确定是空间机器人自主操控、航天器在轨组装、空间攻防、多航天器编队等重要航天任务的关键支撑技术之一。为了满足越来越高的任务要求,该技术迫切需要突破空间杂散光干扰以及目标质心位置、转动惯量等运动学参数缺失等问题。本课题拟在深入分析偏振立体视觉量测粗差与目标运动学参数辨识耦合机理的基础上,通过建立模式、参数与状态的最优联合辨识与估计机制,重点研究空间耀光及阴影干扰下的偏振立体视觉系统量测粗差建模与参数标定,面向空间近场完全非合作目标相对位姿确定的混合系统参数、模式与状态最优联合辨识与估计方法理论与分析,基于IMM-EM的空间近场完全非合作目标鲁棒相对位姿确定快速滤波算法,并建立实测数据库对提出方法有效性进行验证。相关成果对丰富航天器相对导航理论方法,提高航天器空间近场测量能力具有积极促进作用和研究价值。
中文关键词: 滤波方法;状态估计;量测模型;状态模型;多模型滤波
英文摘要: The relative position and attitude determination for completely near-field non-cooperative spatial target is one of the key supporting technologies in several important space missions, such as space robot autonomous manipulation, spacecraft assembly on-orbit, space attack-defense, and multi-spacecraft formation flying. To meet the increasing requirements of task, this technology urgently need a breakthrough in the problem of the space stray light interference and the missing kinematic parameters such as the position of mass centroid and the inertia moment. Based on the in-depth analysis of polarized stereoscopic measurement gross error and kinematic parameter identification coupling of the target, through establishing the optimal joint identification and estimation mechanism of model, parameters and state, this project focus on the research of modeling and parameter calibration for polarized stereoscopic measurement gross error under space flare and shadow interference, and the optimal joint identification and estimation theory and analysis of the mixture of system parameters, model and state for the relative position and attitude determination for absolute near-field non-cooperative spatial target, and a fast robustness filter algorithm of relative position and attitude determination for the absolute near-field non-cooperative spatial target based on IMM-EM. It will also establish an actual measurement database to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Related outcomes will play a positive role in enriching the relative spacecraft navigation theory methods and improving the capability of spacecraft space near field measurement.
英文关键词: Flitering Methods;State Estimation;Measurement Model;State Model;Multiple Model Filter