项目名称: 异构认知无线网络共存机制的基础算法研究
项目编号: No.61201245
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 边凯归
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 认知无线电技术可以有效地利用空白频谱资源。近年来,一系列开发空白频谱的认知无线网络标准相继诞生,如IEEE 802.22、802.11af等。然而由于无线标准之间的差异,异构认知无线网络往往无法进行直接有效的通信与协调,从而导致空白频谱资源分配不合理、网络性能下降等严重后果。本研究首次提出利用生态学理论来建立异构认知无线网络在空白频谱上的共存机制。根据生态学中的最优觅食理论和物种竞争理论,本研究设计出适用于异构认知无线网络的最优频段选择算法和资源按需分配算法,来分别解决不同情况下网络间的资源共享问题。这种基于生态学的共存机制可以独立于异构网络之间通信与协调、时钟同步等先决条件。为了全面评价这种新型网络共存机制的性能,本研究将建立一套完整的共存机制性能分析方法与仿真平台,根据理论分析和仿真验证的结果对算法进行反复优化。本研究的成果将对异构认知无线网络在空白频谱中的应用具有一定的理论指导意义。
中文关键词: 认知无线电;异构网络;频谱管理;频谱共享;
英文摘要: The advances in cognitive radio (CR) technologies have led to several wireless standards that enable secondary networks to coexist with licensed primary user networks as well as other secondary networks operating in the same TV white-space (TVWS) spectrum (e.g., IEEE 802.22 and IEEE 802.11af). These standards are expected to bring about scenarios where different unlicensed wireless technologies with different PHY/MAC designs coexist in the same TVWS spectrum-we refer to such a situation as heterogeneous coexistence. Heterogeneous coexistence presents a slew of new technical challenges not posed by homogeneous coexistence (which we define as networks employing the same radio access technology (RAT) coexisting in the same spectrum band). Due to the heterogeneity of the PHY/MAC designs, the coexisting CR networks have no way to directly interact with each other, thereby causing problems such as unfairness in spectrum allocation, as well as network performance degradation. In this research, we present an architecture for enabling coexistence among heterogeneous CR networks over TVWS using ecology theories and models. This architecture includes two spectrum sharing algorithms, namely the optimal channel selection and the on-demand spectrum allocation algorithms, which are inspired by well-known theories and models fr
英文关键词: Cognitive radio;Heterogeneous networks;Spectrum management;Spectrum sharing;