项目名称: 偶氮苯修饰的发光手性稀土配合物的合成与光致变色性质研究
项目编号: No.21271150
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 林丽榕
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 设计合成基于含光致变色基团偶氮苯修饰的发光手性稀土配合物,采用各种谱学方法表征上述配合物的结构;研究分子中立体结构、手性、生色团及与之相关的各种电子态与其光致变色性能之间的内在联系,用吸收光谱、荧光光谱、核磁共振波谱、圆二色和荧光圆二色等光谱探究其在溶液和固体状态下(包括薄膜中)的光致变色性质。相关研究结果可以启发发光手性多功能光致变色化合物的合成方法学研究,有望获得一类有别于纯有机和纯无机化合物的集发光、手性与光致变色特性于一体的多功能光致变色新材料。兼有光致变色,变荧光和变圆二色的手性材料可以在实际应用中实现多变量的非破坏性读出需求,进行更高更复杂的逻辑操作,因此,本课题兼具重要学术意义和潜在应用前景。
中文关键词: 偶氮苯;光致顺反异构(光致变色);稀土配合物;发光;手性
英文摘要: Design and synthesize a series of azobenzene-modified luminescent chiral rare earth complexes, using a variety of spectroscopic methods to characterize the structures of these complexes. Study the inner relationship among the molecules in stereo structure, chirality, chromophore groups and the related electronic states with photochromic properties. Explore the photochromic properties of the complexes in solution and in solid state (including film) by absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, circular dichroism and fluorescence circular dichroism spectroscopy,etc. The research results can inspire the synthetic methodology studies of multifunctional chiral photochromic compounds. It is expected to obtain a class of multifunctional photochromic new materials with sets of luminescence, chirality and photochromic properties in one, distinct from pure organic and inorganic compounds. It can be achieved multi-variable demand for non-destructive readout and the higher and more complex logic operations in practical applications using such synthesized chiral materials with photochromism, variable fluorescence and circular dichroism. Therefore, the subject is of importance both in academic significance and potential applications.
英文关键词: azobenzene;cis-tran photoisomerization(photochromism);rare earth complexes;luminescence;chirality