项目名称: 基于基因芯片技术的砂梨品种S基因型鉴定及S基因资源挖掘与进化分析
项目编号: No.31272124
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 江南
作者单位: 湖南工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 梨是配子体自交不亲和世界性果树,其自交不亲和性由单一位点S复等位基因控制。梨栽培中必须配置S基因型不同品种来保证正常授粉受精,以达到丰产稳产和育种成功。砂梨是我国南方梨主栽品系,有1千多个品种,目前只有40多个品种S基因型已被确定,还有丰富的S复等位基因的鉴定和序列分析研究有待深入。现有鉴定梨品种S基因型的技术工作量大、花费时间长、成本高,短期内不能完成。本项目将针对我国梨品种S复等位基因存在情况,利用3'RACE技术克隆出已鉴定的47个S基因的cDNA和基因组序列,制作梨S基因寡核苷酸检测芯片和cDNA芯片,利用芯片与砂梨不同生态型品种杂交,确定各品种基因型并发现未知的S基因;对筛选出的未知S基因进行分离克隆、测序和同源性分析。本项目研究将基本查清砂梨品种S基因资源,鉴定出各品种S基因型,进行S基因进化分析。项目研究成果将为我国南方砂梨及其他品系梨品种创新及丰产栽培提供重要的科学依据。
中文关键词: 基因芯片;砂梨;S 基因型;S 基因资源;分子进化
英文摘要: Pear is world fruit trees with self-incompatibility of gametophyte, which is controlled by single locus and S multiple alleles genes.To guarantee normal pollination and fertilization, different S genotype varieties have to be disposed in pear cultivation, so that success of high and steady yield , and breeding of pears can be achieved. Sand pear is the main growing fruit in southern China, which has more than 1000 varieties. Among 40 of them, S genotype has been ensured, while further studies on the identification of S multiple alleles genes and its sequence analysis are still needed. Present S genotype identification of pear varieties requires an enormous investment and complicated technology, and it's time-consuming. According to S multiple alleles genes of pear varieties in China, by means of 3'RACE technology, identified cDNA and gene group sequence of 47 S genes are to be cloned, and oligonucleotide microarray and cDNA chips for detection of S gene are to be made.Based on the hybridization of ecological varieties and chips, genetypes of pear varieties and unknown S genes are to be found . Analyses on cloning, sequence and homology of the selected unknown S genes are to be done.The research project is to make a thorough investigation of S gene resources of sand pear, identify S genetypes of pear varieties
英文关键词: genechip;sand pear;S-genotype;S-RNase resources;molecular evolution