项目名称: 新疆陆地棉品种资源遗传多样性及与育种目标性状基因的关联分析研究
项目编号: No.31260340
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 董承光
作者单位: 新疆农垦科学院
项目金额: 47万元
中文摘要: 新疆是我国最适宜种植棉花的地区和最大的植棉省区之一,因此,棉花种植业是新疆经济的重要支柱和农民收入的主要来源。近几年,新疆棉花产量及品质水平没有较大的突破,主要原因是缺乏与育种目标相适应的种质材料以及对现有品种资源产量及品质等性状基因的挖掘不够深入。利用分子标记技术,分析新疆陆地棉品种资源的遗传多样性水平并从中发掘其产量、品质等性状的优异QTL及携带有利等位变异的亲本资源,对指导新疆棉花育种有重要意义。本项目拟采用形态与分子标记相结合的方法分析新疆陆地棉品种资源的遗传多样性水平,通过全基因组扫描关联分析发掘棉花产量、品质性状的优异等位变异,从而从育种起源上揭示新疆棉花的遗传基础,明确不同种质中所携带的等位基因及其对目标性状的贡献率,为育种家高效发掘和利用种质资源重要性状基因打下基础,并为棉花分子设计育种提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 棉花;优异等位变异;QTL定位;关联分析;
英文摘要: Xinjiang is the most suitable, the largest area for cotton planting. The cotton plant in xinjiang is important pillar of the economy and the farmer's main source of income. In recent years, there is no major breakthrough on the level of cotton yield and quality. The main reason is the lack of the germplasm materials adapting to the breeding target as well as are not digged deeper for relevant gene of output and quality traits. Using molecular markers, we can analyse genetic diversity about upland cotton, dig the excellent QTL of yield and quality and search parents resources carrying favorable allele variation. The research is important meaning to guide the cotton breeding in Xinjiang. Combining morphological and molecular marks, we can reveal the genetic base of cotton in Xinjiang on breeding origin and can clear allele gene and its degree of contribution in the different germplasm throngh whole genome scanning and the association analysis. And the research help us to know the background and diversity of germplasm nowadays in use, also can help breeders to mine important traits and use these good germplasm in high efficiency, and provide the theory basis for cotton molecular design breeding.
英文关键词: Cotton;Favorable allele;QTL mapping;association mapping;