项目名称: 不同晶面TiO2-C界面结构的构建及其在可见光催化过程中的行为研究
项目编号: No.21303244
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 庄建东
作者单位: 福建农林大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 揭示TiO2-C界面结构及其作用本质(两者耦合作用机理和界面电子转移行为)对于研发高效TiO2/C复合可见光催化剂具有重要意义。本项目基于对TiO2/C复合光催化材料的前期探索以及对不同晶面TiO2结构和催化行为的认识,提出构建不同晶面TiO2-C界面结构- - 研究TiO2-C耦合作用机理- - 揭示其可见光催化作用本质的新思路。 本研究拟通过锐钛矿TiO2纳米晶的微结构调控,实现具有特定界面结构的TiO2/C复合材料的可控制备;系统研究TiO2-C界面结构特征(不同晶面原子的排布和配位、界面化学成键和缺陷情况)、光电响应特性及界面电子迁移行为,阐明TiO2与碳间的耦合作用机理;从界面微结构及界面电子转移角度,分析TiO2/C复合材料的可见光光催化作用本质,揭示TiO2/C复合材料的组成-微结构-光催化性能之间的内在关系,为高效TiO2/C复合可见光催化材料的研发提供理论依据和实现途径。
中文关键词: TiO2-C复合材料;界面结构;晶面取向;界面电子转移;可见光催化
英文摘要: Due to their unique and controllable structural and electrical properties, the research and development of TiO2/C composite visible photocatalysts has been one of the most important fields in photocatalysis research. However, the relationship between the TiO2-C interfacial structure and its interaction mechanism remains to further research. Crystal facet control, on the other hand, has become an important strategy for fine-tuning the surface physicochemical properties of anatase TiO2. Although intensive experimental and theoretical studies have been conducted on the reactivity of different crystal faces of TiO2, much less attention is paid on the interaction between faceted TiO2 and carbonaceous materials. Based on this consideration, faceted TiO2/C hybrid materials are therefore designed in our project. Since the surface atomic arrangment and coordination changes with crystal faces in different orientation, a characteristic TiO2-C interface structure can be easily constructed by combining the carbonaceous materials and the TiO2 with oriented crystal faces. Investigateion into the TiO2-C interface characteristic stuctures will be the key to reveal the origin of the interaction (the mechanism of interfacial electron-transfer and their synergistic effect) between TiO2 and Carbon in the visible photocatalysis proce
英文关键词: TiO2-C composites;interfacial structure;crystal facets;interfacial electron transfer;visible photocatalysis