项目名称: 连续脉冲合成孔径雷达成像理论研究
项目编号: No.61471340
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王岩飞
作者单位: 中国科学院电子学研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 传统的脉冲工作方式合成孔径雷达(SAR)在体积重量等方面有较大的局限性,调频连续波合成孔径雷达(FMCWSAR)则在系统的性能上有较大的欠缺。结合脉冲和连续波雷达优势的连续脉冲SAR系统,充分发挥收发分时、大工作比、高平均功率、宽频带等特点,为提升系统的性能指标和降低重量体积提供了一种新的解决思路和途径。本项目主要研究连续脉冲SAR系统成像理论及方法,在理论上,建立连续脉冲SAR二维成像理论模型及雷达模糊函数理论模型,创建适于SAR的连续脉冲编码和信号恢复的基本理论;从方法上,综合考虑编码和信号恢复与二维成像之间的时间、频率、探测距离、信噪比等之间的约束关系,突破连续脉冲SAR系统的设计实现方法,解决成像、误差补偿等核心算法和方法。结合实际飞行试验的验证,完善具有创新体制的连续脉冲SAR成像理论。
中文关键词: 合成孔径雷达;连续脉冲;线性调频;信号恢复
英文摘要: The traditional pulse Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has a large limitation in size and weight etc., and the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave SAR (FMCWSAR) is short of high system performance. A novel consectary pulse working methode for Synthetic Aperture Radar is presented by combining pulse SAR and FMCWSAR. The consectary pulse SAR is characterized with transmit-receive time division, large work duty ratio, high average power and wide frequency band, and owns both advantages of pulse SAR and FMCWSAR. The consectary pulse methode can provide a new way to improve system performance and reduce size and weight of SAR, The project mainly research imaging theory of consectary pulse SAR. Theoretically, it builds consectary pulse SAR imaging model and radar ambiguity function model, and establish pulse coding and signal recovery algorithm suiting for consectary pulse SAR. Methodologically, by considering the constraint relationship between coding, signal recovery, radar parameters including time, frequency, detection range, signal to noise ratio etc., the imaging algorithm and motion error compensation method will be developed for consectary pulse SAR. Combining the numerical simulation, the processing and analysing of flight test data, the principle verification will be accomplished, which will make a pioneering contribution for the consectary pulse synthetic aperture radar imaging theory.
英文关键词: sar;Consectary pulse;LFM;signal recovery