项目名称: 高频外辐射源雷达基础理论与关键技术
项目编号: No.61331012
项目类型: 重点项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 万显荣
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 285万元
中文摘要: 现有海面和低空探测用高频超视距雷达多数采用有源主动体制,作为对该频段传统雷达的有益补充,本项目旨在利用日益普及的数字短波广播信号资源,研究与发展一种基于该信号的新体制高频外辐射源雷达。该雷达不仅具有主动高频雷达探测距离远、低空性能好、反隐身、抗反辐射导弹等天然优势,还具有隐蔽性强、易于部署、成本低廉、适合组网等显著优点。项目将针对该信号传播特性、目标探测机理与信息获取等科学难题,重点开展:1)非合作数字短波广播信号的认知、重构、整形与雷达探测参数优化;2)高频外辐射源信号的传播特性分析、传播模式利用与雷达探测性能评估;3)复杂传播条件下雷达信号与数据处理新方法及实验验证。研究成果对于推动我国特种体制雷达及相关领域的研究具有重要的科学意义,其应用成果也将有效提高雷达综合探测性能、降低研制和运行成本、提高雷达战时生存能力,可为我国远程预警、国土防空和海洋权益维护提供一种重要的新型探测手段。
中文关键词: 无源雷达;无源探测;超视距雷达;高频雷达;数字广播
英文摘要: Nowadays, HF over-the-horizon radars available for sea-moving and low-flying detection generally work in active mode. As a very useful supplement of the traditional radar in this frequency band, the project aims at using the increasingly popular short-wave digital broadcasts, explores and develops a new HF passive radar system which exploits these broadcasts as non-cooperative transmitters. Except the natural advantages of the traditional active HF radar, including large radar detecting range, good low-altitude detection performance, countering stealth and anti-radiation missile ability and so on, this new HF radar system also has the remarkable advantages of strong concealment, deployment convenience, low cost, and being suitable for radar network. Basing on the scientific problems of the signal propagation characteristics, detection principles and target information obtain, the main researches of the project are as follows: 1) the non-cooperative digital broadcast’s waveform recognition, reconstruction, and shaping and the radar’s detection parameters optimization 2) the HF non-cooperative waveform’s propagation property analysis and propagation modes utilization and the radar detection performance evaluation, and 3) the new algorithms and the experimental verification for the radar signal and data processing in complex propagation environment. The project will possess important scientific significance on promoting the research of our nation’s special radar systems and the related field. The application results will effectively improve the overall radar detection performance, reduce the research and run cost, increase the radar’s existence ability in war, and supply an important and new detection way for our nation’s long-range early-warning, air defence and maintenance of the sea rights and interests.
英文关键词: Passive radar;Passive Detection;over the horizon radar;HF radar;Digital broadcasting