项目名称: 多铁h-RFO薄膜材料的生长和物性研究
项目编号: No.11504053
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王文彬
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 多铁材料由于其独特的性质和其潜在的应用前景近些年来一直受到科学界的广泛关注。但是,直到现在,我们还不能真正把他投入应用。这主要是因为现有的多铁材料很难同时具有高的铁性序转变温度,强的极化强度以及强的电磁耦合效应。寻找一个能同时满足以上条件的多铁材料就是这一邻域科学家一直努力的方向。近两年来发现的新的多铁材料h-RFO被称为新一代节能存储材料。本项目将对这一类材料进行全面系统的研究。通过对其铁电序和自旋序产生机理的研究,理解这个体系具有高温铁电序和反铁磁序的原因。通过对磁电耦合效应的测量和表征,实现通过加磁(电)场对电(磁)极化的翻转。通过利用压力改变晶格结构和引入磁性稀土元素的方法,实现对其磁性的调控,希望找到一种具有高铁性序转变温度、强的磁电极化强度以及强磁电耦合效应的材料。
中文关键词: 多铁材料;铁性序;磁电耦合
英文摘要: In the quest for new types of information processing and storage, multiferroic which simultaneously exhibit more than one type of ferroic orders have many advantages over existing materials. Widespread practical applications will require a single-phase multiferroic material with a high transition temperatures, large electric and magnetic polarizations and strong coupling between ferroic orders. Hexagonal ferrites (h-RFeO3, R = Y, Dy-Lu) have recently been identified as a new family of multiferroic complex oxides. The coexisting spontaneous electric and magnetic polarizations make h-RFeO3 rare-case ferroelectric ferromagnets at low temperature. Plus the room-temperature multiferroicity and predicted magnetoelectric effect, h-RFeO3 are promising materials for multiferroic applications. Here we propose to carry out a comprehensive study of the h-RFeO3 materials: elucidating the mechanism of ferroic orders; characterizing the magnetic and electric coupling; investigating the magnetic properties of this system by tuning their crystal structure under external pressure; understanding magnetic interaction between the magnetic rear earth atoms and Fe atoms. The proposed work will help us to find a material with strong magnetoelectric coupling at high temperature.
英文关键词: Multiferroics;Ferroic orders;Magnetoelectric coupling