项目名称: 新型亚氨基联芪类太阳能电池敏化染料的合成及光伏性能研究
项目编号: No.21302055
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李晶
作者单位: 华东理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟设计并合成一系列以亚氨基联芪类化合物为电子给体的新型高性能纯有机太阳能电池敏化染料,解决目前有机敏化染料光谱较窄、稳定性差和光电转换效率瓶颈等问题。在共轭桥链引入额外的低带隙吸电子基团,构建D-A-π-A型敏化剂,拓宽光谱响应范围,提高敏化剂的稳定性。采用星射状电子给体和在共轭桥上引入长烷基链两种方式,抑制聚集态效应。通过对电子给体、共轭桥链、长碳链的疏水基团的变化,实现对染料吸收光谱、轨道能级以及光伏性能的调控。结合量子化学计算,进一步优化能级和带隙梯度,为敏化染料分子工程设计提供强有力的理论基础。
中文关键词: 染料敏化太阳能电池;染料合成;光伏性能;光电转换效率;
英文摘要: To solve the problems of current organic sensitizers, such as narrow spectrum, poor stability and the bottleneck of photoelectric conversion efficiency, some novel high-performance sensitizers for DSCs, containing iminostilbene and iminodibenzyl as electron donors will be designed and synthesized in this project. An extra electron acceptor with low-band gap will be introduced to the π-linker and the sensitizers with D-A-π-A structure will be synthesized. The structure is beneficial to broaden the spectral response range and improve the stability. To inhibit the aggregation on dyes of the TiO2 surface, starburst donors will be used and long alkyl chains will be linked to the conjugate bridge. Combined with quantum chemical method, energy levels and band gap gradient will be further optimized, and theoretical basis will be established.
英文关键词: dye-sensitized solar cell;dye synthesis;photovaltaic performance;photoelectric conversion efficiency;