import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm #Just a progress bar indicator
#Number of randomized points to generate for each approximation
num_points = 250_000
#Lists to store the radius and its corresponding area approximation
radii = []
areas = []
#For each of the 500 equally spaced values between 1 and 100 inclusive:
for radius in tqdm(np.linspace(1,100,500)):
#A counter for the number of points in the circle
in_circle = 0
for i in range(num_points):
#Generate an x and y coordinate from a uniform distribution bounded by a tangent box
xcoor = np.random.uniform(-radius,radius)
ycoor = np.random.uniform(-radius,radius)
#If the point is inside the circle, add one to in_circle
if xcoor**2 + ycoor**2 < radius**2:
in_circle += 1
#Get the fraction of the points that were inside the circle
area_frac = in_circle/num_points
#Append the approximated area and the radius
模型参数:模型进行自动调整从而找到最佳参数,在这种情况下,参数为 a。如果具有 n 个参数,则该模型被称为 n 维。我们所使用的最基本模型是一维的,而对图像进行分类的深度神经网络有可能具有数百万个维度。
损失函数:损失函数是对当下模拟情况进行评估,并希望找到可以得到最低误差度的参数集,从而使得损失函数最小化。比如某个参数值 j 的损失函数值为 3,而参数值 k 的损失函数值为 2,则理应选择参数值 k。
平均绝对误差(MAE):我们将使用损失函数/错误度量,其原因是因为它易于使用且易于理解。给定当前参数(a)和模型预测值,而平均绝对误差是指预测值与真实值之间平均相差有多大,较低的 MAE 意味着模型更适合数据。
把参数 coef(a)初始化为 0.1。
对 coef 提出两条路径;coef+lr 和 coef-lr,其中 lr 是学习率。
对使用 coef=coef+lr 的模型和使用 coef=coef-lr 的模型评估平均绝对误差。
将 coef 设置为等于 coef+lr 和 coef-lr 中平均绝对误差值较小的那个数字。
coef = 0.1 #Initial coefficient value
learning_rate = 0.00001 #How fast the model 'learns'
iterations = 100000 #How many times we want the model to 'practice and correct'
for i in tqdm(range(iterations)): #note - tqdm is just a progressbar
#Propose two path for the coefficient:
up_coef = coef + learning_rate #Move up
down_coef = coef - learning_rate #Or move down
#Store the predictions for a model using parameters up_coef and down_coef
up_pred = []
down_pred = []
#For each radius value in the previously created list radii:
for r in radii:
#Append the model using up_coef's and down_coef's prediction (a*r^2)
#Find the MAE. Both are converted to NumPy arrays for easy operation.
up_coef_mae = np.abs(np.array([up_pred])-np.array([areas])).mean()
down_coef_mae = np.abs(np.array([down_pred])-np.array([areas])).mean()
#If moving the coefficient down yields a lower (better) MAE:
if down_coef_mae < up_coef_mae:
#Set it equal to down_coef
coef = down_coef
#Otherwise (moving the coefficient up yields a lower (better) or equal MAE:
#Set it equal to up_coef
coef = up_coef
print(str(coef)[:5]) #first four digits of coefficient (decimal point counts as a character)
[Output]: '3.141'
机器之心联合 AWS 开设线上公开课,通过 6 次直播课程帮助大家熟悉 Amazon SageMaker 各项组件的使用方法,轻松玩转机器学习。
6 月 2 日 20:00,AWS解决方案架构师尹振宇将带来第 3 课,详解如何利用SageMaker Operator简化Kubernetes 上的机器学习任务管理。