熊辉(Hui Xiong):罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)终身教授 入选理由:在数据挖掘和移动计算领域方向做出贡献。(For distinguished contributions to the fields of data mining and mobile computing.)
胡钦红("Max" Qinhong Hu):德州大学阿灵顿分校(UTA)教授 入选理由:在能源地球科学领域内的纳米岩石物理研究、教学和指导以及对专业社会的服务方面做出杰出和持续的贡献。(For outstanding and sustained contributions in the research field of nano-petrophysics within the context of energy geosciences, teaching & mentorship, and service to professional society.)
姚楠(Nan Yao):普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)成象和分析中心主任 入选理由:在材料和结构分析方面取得突出的成就,并在相关教育、研究和服务方面做出杰出贡献,促进科学和工程及其应用。(For outstanding achievements in materials and structural analysis and distinguished contributions in related education, research, and service to advance science and engineering and their applications.)
来颖诚(Ying-Cheng Lai):亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)电子、计算机和能源工程学院及物理系教授 入选理由:在非线性动力学和混沌领域,特别是在相对论量子混沌和瞬态混沌方向做出杰出贡献。(For distinguished contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, particularly in relativistic quantum chaos and transient chaos.)
Jack Xin:加州大学尔湾分校(University of California, Irvine) 入选理由:在应用数学和数据科学领域做出贡献。(For outstanding contributions to research in applied mathematics and data science.)
Yuhai Tu:IBM 托马斯 ·J· 沃森研究中心 入选理由:在生物物理学,尤其是使用统计物理学方法来研究生命系统中信息处理的动力学和能量学方向做出贡献。(For distinguished contributions to the field of biological physics, particularly using statistical physics methods to study dynamics and energetics of information processing in living systems.)