
2018 年 12 月 26 日 科学出版社

2018年9月1日,量子密码学奠基人Artur Ekert、Charles Bennett、Gilles Brassard 做客墨子沙龙。在他们关于量子科学的科普报告之后,三位科学家就现场观众提出的各个方面的问题进行了回答。在他们的回答中,不仅让人感受到科学家渊博的知识、睿智的思维,更让人直接感受到他们对每个问题的尊重,以及他们自身对事物有不同看法时展现出的真性情。

Artur Ekert 英国牛津大学数学研究所量子物理学教授、新加坡国立大学量子技术中心主任

Charles Bennett  IBM研发中心物理学家、信息理论家、现代量子信息理论创始人之一

Gilles Brassard 蒙特利尔大学教授、加拿大研究学会主席





Charles Bennett: 





Charles Bennett: 





Gilles Brassard: 


Charles Bennett: 




Gilles Brassard


Artur Ekert


有一种看待这些方程式的角度,这是一种独特的看待量子物理的理论,这个理论被称为 Everett诠释,又被称作“多世界诠释”。根据“多世界诠释”,在一些世界中,猫是活的。事实上我很喜欢这个诠释,因为它听起来很疯狂。第一次听到它时,你会说,哇,这么多世界,这一定很疯狂。但事实上,当你更多地思考这个理论时,你会发现它实际上并没有大家以为的那么疯狂。因为它并没有对一些非物理的现象做出神秘的假设,例如波函数的坍塌等。所以,针对你的问题的回答是,我相信在那些世界里,猫是既死又活的。




Gilles Brassard


Charles Bennett


Artur Ekert


Charles Bennett:


Artur Ekert


Charles Bennett: 


Artur Ekert


Gilles Brassard: 


Charles Bennett


Gilles Brassard





Artur Ekert






Gilles Brassard


Artur Ekert


Gilles Brassard: 


Artur Ekert: 


Charles Bennett:

以前我也跟 Gilles一样,认为比特币具有危害性。后来我改变了我的想法,因为我想,是谁在付电费呢?为什么他们愿意为此付钱?他们愿意为此付费是因为对他们来说,相比较其他的转移货币或保持账本完整性的方式,分布式账本和通过比特币来转移货币花费更少。所以如果对生意有帮助的话,他们是不会愿意多付电费的,后来需要额外付的费用变成了矿工的挖矿津贴。这时,相比较其他处理账本的方式,比特币对他们来说是一个更糟糕的选择。这是一种不完备的经济学思考。就像有些人会说,让我们只吃本地生产的食物吧,但这可能意味着在冬天你需要为温室中的照明消耗大量电力,那么将食物从西班牙装上船运来,会更加节省能源。那么我会说,通过运输来获得食物更好。

Gilles Brassard: 


Charles Bennett: 





Charles Bennett:


Artur Ekert: 





Artur Ekert: 





Gilles Brassard: 



Problem 1

Why did you use the word “teleportation”?

Charles Bennett

Well, in science fiction, teleportation is often used to mean a mysterious science fiction process, where an object or a person is destroyed in one place, and transported to another place, intact. So that they have their thought, and their plans are all there. It's a fancy medium of transportation. And so it seemed to us when we worked out this way of handling qubits, that what we were doing to the quantum state was like teleportation. We were disembodying it in one place, and recreating it exactly in another place. 

Problem 2

What is your feeling about preparing a talk for middle school students?

Charles Bennett

Because I actually did this a few months ago. And it was something they called The Science Bowl, which was (attended by) secondary school students from all over the united states who were especially going into science. And one of them asked me, what field of science should I go into? What should I study? What's the most active or exciting field of science? And I said that was the wrong way to think about it. 

If you were the kind of person that you probably are if you're in this room, you think about science all the time, and there's no better preparation than continuing to do that. Then I said I could give you an example of what happened to me last night. Not last night now, but last night from then. Because I was always that kind of person. 

I knew I wanted to be a scientist since I was three years old. And I was walking up and down the street, and it had rained a couple of days earlier. And there was a lot of sound of the water running under the streets through the storm sewers. And I walked up to a storm sewer and I listened to it. And the sound was not steady, wasn't……But was…..So I said, well, why can that be happening? And I look down under the grid. And there was a pipe, and water was coming in at an intermediate rate. But I know where was the water coming in from, because the runoff from the rain was all just percolating through the soil. And I saw there was another storm sewer, just about ten or twenty metres up the hill from this one. So I walked up and looked in there. And there I saw a pipe, and water was running in at a steady rate. But the water in the tank of the sewer, I mean this little meter square space under the street, that you could look down through, was sloshing back and forth, was like a wave that was being driven by the steady input. And I said, well, I come from a musical family. I said, this is just like a musical instrument. A flute doesn't make any sound when you don't blow on it. But when you blow on it, it oscillates at a particular frequency. 

So I said if you go through life thinking that way about everything, then you'll be a good scientist.

Problem 3

How to avoid eavesdropping from eavesdroppers?

Gilles Brassard

Well, the eavesdropper and any attempt by the eavesdropper to measure the signal from Alice to Bob, Will create a disturbance. So the protocol for quantum key establishment requires the two parties, Alice and Bob, to notice that disturbance. And the detail how this is done, was one of the slides of Charlie Bennett. But he did not go through the detail. I'm not sure how much detail I should give. But the very short answer is that, because any attempted eavesdropping creates a disturbance, that’s unavoidable and irreversible. As long as the receiving party can notice that the signal has been disturbed, he will know that there was eavesdropping. 

Charles Bennett

I can add to that, maybe. The question might have meant, can you prevent the eavesdropper from disturbing the signal? No, you can't. If the eavesdropper eavesdrops vigorously, then that will prevent Alice and Bob from establishing a key. But if the eavesdropper eavesdrops a little bit, the eavesdropper might learn about the key. But Alice and Bob will reject it, and never use it for sending a meaningful message.

Problem 4

Is renormalization a mathematical technique, or an objective existence in physics?

Charles Bennett

I think it means something different in condensed matter theory and field theory. There is a renormalization that we do in quantum information, which is when a measurement occurs, the term in the superposition, instead of having a coefficient of the square root of a half, the one that happens gets a coefficient of one, and the other one gets a coefficient of zero. 

Problem 5

What are your views on Schrodinger’s cat?

Gilles Brassard

Well, I think that he’s doing very well. Seriously, Schrodinger invented this story, I think, to say that this would not really happen, that you would not have a cat as both dead and alive. But my view of physics is that it does happen. And in fact I am perfectly comfortable with the idea. (Compared with) all these things that standard quantum theory tell you, that either this or that happen with some probabilities, (that) it’s random, one or the other would happen, I’m much more comfortable with the view that they both happen, actually. And that everything that could happen in quantum physics does happen, all at the same time. And therefore, seen that way, the Schrodinger’s cat is indeed both dead and alive. And I have no problem with that.

Chen Yu'ao:

Artur, do you want to add some?

Artur Ekert:

Well, yes. It’s a question, of course, how we understand quantum physics, not necessarily in terms of equations. Because when you write down equations, we tend to agree that there's no better matter of this agreement when it comes to predictions, writing equations. But when you ask a physicist, all computer scientists or a mathematician, what do you really mean by that? What is this superposition that you have? Is there a real thing behind it? Then some people say, yeah, you know, it's just a question of interpretation. 

It's not a realistic thing. I'm a realist. I think that the equation correspond to something that is really out there. And there's one way of looking at it. It is a particular way of looking at quantum physics. It is to take equations of quantum physics very seriously. And it's called the Everett interpretation, where you also know as the many-worlds interpretation, where you can say, in some worlds, the cat is alive, in some others, it is dead. And I'm actually quite happy with this interpretation, because it sounds crazy. First time you hear about it, you say, wow, so many worlds, it must be crazy. You have one of those wacky scientist, right? But actually the more you think about it, you realize that it is actually less crazy than people think. Because it doesn't make some mystical assumption about some unphysical phenomena, like a collapse of the wave function, and so forth.

So, to answer your question, I believe the cat is really both dead and alive in some of those worlds.

Problem 6

Now you open the box and see an alive cat. If you travel back to five seconds ago to reopen the box, what will you see?

Gilles Brassard

I think I understand your question and I will not answer it directly. But tell me, if my answer doesn't answer your question. The way that people who believe in the many-worlds interpretation see things, Artur and I are among them, is that the cat in the box is simultaneously both dead and alive. When you open the box, you simultaneously see both things. So you, by opening the box, you split between one of you who sees the cat dead, and the cat is dead for you. And in a different universe, you see the cat being alive. It is alive. So it's not a matter of going back in time. The splitting occurs inside the box until the box is open. When the box opens, and then the splitting goes out. And you see the cat both dead and alive. 

Chen Yu'ao

So you would believe in the interpretation of the multiverse?

Charles Bennett

And also, going back in time, you have to say how you do it.Do you go back? 

Artur Ekert

Yeah, whether you go to the same universe, or the other one.

Charles Bennett

Also, whether you undo your observation of (the cat inside the box).When I said you could undo this splitting with a simple half-wave plate, this is a quantum eraser experiment. So for a thing that instead of having as many atoms as a cat, has one atom or two atoms. undoing it is perfectly possible, because there are not that many states to recombine. So I think I would agree with the other people that it's a quantitative and practical difference, that you can't undo a quantum measurement, not because it's intrinsically irreversible, but for the same reason that you can't unscramble an egg, even though you can unscramble the position of one or two atoms. 

Artur Ekert

Yeah. So actually, in more technical terms… 

Charles Bennett

How could you be more technical on scrambling an egg? 

Artur Ekert

Well, it goes as far as my experimental abilities, to scramble them in the first place.But (for) those of you who are familiar a little bit with the technical side of quantum physics, it's like reversing unitary operation. It can be reversed. Right? So it's a reversible think. And the many-worlds (interpretation) takes the view that everything goes into the equation, you included. So this unitary operation is performed on the cat, on you, as the observation on everything. And as such, it is reversible. But of course, technically, as Charlie pointed out, it's like unscrambling the egg. 

Artur Ekert

Yeah. So the universe is like, picking up the bases in your computation.In this particular case, from the perspective of one universe, it is not. But from the perspective of the multiverse, it is.

Gilles Brassard

There is a website called cheap universes dot com and there on that website, you can buy a universe for only three dollars, ninety-five cents. I'm totally serious. I'm not sure if they are. But the way it works is that…Let's say that you must make an important decision, either go to take a walk or take your bath. And you can't decide which you should do. But you realize that whichever you do, you don't do the other. And perhaps the one that you don't do would bring you fame and fortune. And you just cannot decide which to do. So first, you commit to yourself. If the coin turns up heads, you take a bath. If it turns up tails, you go for a walk, you completely commit to yourself that you will do that. Then you flip the quantum coin, and you do what a coin tells you. If you believe in quantum mechanics, and even if you don't actually, and if you are sincere about doing what you're committed to do, then you actually do both. At the moment when the coin is flipped, the universe is split, and yet you will do both things.at least you can be content to know that you have also done the other. Although it doesn't help you much. 

Charles Bennett

Well, I think that if they really want to be honest about that site, and you do want to undo it, they should give you your money back. 

Gilles Brassard

Well, they even sell you a subscription. And I think, for twenty dollars, you get to split the universe once per month. So you get to create four thousand ninety-six universes for twenty dollars. And they even give you a t-shirt. So the question is, do they give you a t-shirt before you start or at the end? If they you give it to you at the end then (that) you get four thousand ninety-six t-shirts is much better. 

Problem 7

Can we transfer a living organism to another place through teleportation? Does the phenomenon of quantum entanglement exist in living organisms?

Artur Ekert

Well, I think there are two different questions in your question. One is (a question that) you already understand correctly. One is can we transfer a complex object such as a human being, via for example teleportation using entanglement to some other place? 

And the other question that you asked, which is a very interesting one, is whether there is a quantum phenomenon, such as entanglement, or perhaps superposition in the living quantum system. When it comes to the first question, we had a wonderful interview this morning. And one of the interviewer who were from sort of a secondary school asked the same question whether you can tear apart a complex object, to which we all agree that, in principle it’s possible, but practically we don't think we will ever be able to do it. If you have ten to twenty three atoms in a human being of the order of magnitude, you have to perform a very complicated Bell measurement. So it's just beyond technology not even now, but in the future. When it comes to the second question though…I think you may know that there are inherently coherent quantum phenomena being discovered in living organisms. For example, we know that some bacteria live at the bottom of lakes where there's very little light, and they use photosynthesis to get energy. So every single photon that comes to this bacteria is very, very precious. And therefore, the energy transfer between light-harvesting units in the bacteria to a chemical reaction center has to be very efficient. And it turns out that in this process, quantum superposition helps to make this process more efficient. 

So these days we can say that we can see that there are nontrivial quantum phenomena in living systems.

Problem 8

How many years it will take to build a quantum computer that can break commercial cryptosystems that are based on the RSA algorithm or the elliptic curve algorithm?

Gilles Brassard

Well, this is very hard to predict. But I say that the progress has been really much faster than I would have thought, if you had asked me ten or twenty years ago. So I don't have any serious doubts. It will happen. How many years? Is that clear? Probably at least ten. However, as I explained, as soon as it happens, all secrets from the past are destroyed. So there's no secrecy whatsoever, not only from the time RSA is broken, but everything that you have sent since you were born, believing it was secured by RSA or elliptic curves. All of that has been taken down by an encrypted form by someone or other. And they can come back as soon as they have a quantum computer, and open up all the old secrets. So it's a complete disaster. Now I did not understand why you mentioned bitcoin, or block chain.

Artur Ekert

So I’m in the sense that you are concerned about the security of the bitcoin. Because it relies on two features that can be broken by, or to some extent, can be broken by quantum computers. One is in the block chain. You need the digital signature, which is based on elliptic curves, which we know are vulnerable, as you explained, to quantum attacks. And the other part is in the mining process. You use extensive search. And this, again, can be affected by the Grover’s algorithm. Even though I think the first one, the breaking of the digital signature is much more dangerous in this case. 

Gilles again pointed in his talk, that it's not necessarily the end of classical public-key crypto systems, because you can easily imagine improving the bitcoin protocol by adding another layer. For example, the digital signature can be based on a lattice-based crypto. And so that would actually protect the integrity of the system in the future. So there is a way of fixing bitcoin. In the current form, bitcoin certainly is vulnerable to quantum attacks. It's a good project for people actually, How to improve bitcoin to make it immune to quantum attacks. 

Gilles Brassard

I beg to disagree, for a different reason. I think that bitcoin is about the most horrible invention of our current technology. Because bitcoin is based on a notion of doing enormous amount of calculation, which is completely useless. Its mining has no purpose, whatsoever, other than getting some people rich. And all of these calculations require a large amount of energy. 

That energy is wasted. And that wasted energy goes into green gas effects in the atmosphere. We are precipitating the climate change. And bitcoin is making it one of the major factors in the current disaster of climate change. So to me bitcoin is a monster. And if quantum computers can destroy bitcoin, I don't wish it to be saved with using other cryptography. 

Artur Ekert

Well, I beg to disagree here. But even if we disagree about the bitcoin, there's still a crypto currency in general. There's still an interesting concept of the block chain whether you do mining or not mining. In this particular case, it's the distributed ledger. But I think that there's an ingenious cryptographic thing. And whether we like it or not like it, it's an interesting concept that will be adopted. And at some point, quantum community will have to take a position, certainly.

Charles Bennett

Well, after having agreed with Gilles about the perniciousness of bitcoin in the block chain. I changed my mind, because I thought, well, who is paying for this electricity?

Why are they paying for it? They're paying for it because the distributed ledger and the ability to move currency around with bitcoin is for them less costly than other means of moving the money around or maintaining the integrity of the ledger. So if it's useful for businesses, they were not going to pay more in electricity costs, which are then transferred into these mining subsidies for the miners, Then it's worse to themover doing the ledger some other way. It's the same kind of incomplete economic thinking as people who say, let's eat only locally grown food. But if that means that you have to use a lot of electricity to run the lights in your greenhouse, during the winter,and it's cheaper to put it on a boat and bring it from Spain. Then I would say, well, the one that has the transportation is better.

Gilles Brassard

My view is that some of these people would say, why should I care that? I'm just destroying the environment if I'm getting rich from it.

Charles Bennett

Oh, I know there are people like that. 

Problem 9

Is Lorentz transformation also used in quantum physics?

Charles Bennett

So yes. And there is like that our late colleague, did a lot of work on quantum communication between parties that are in different reference frames moving relative to one another. And so it does change it, but in a way that has been well worked out. 

Artur Ekert

And perhaps I should add a little bit. There is, of course, relativistic quantum physics. What we discussed here was basically in non-relativistic domain. But what is interesting though, is that somehow special theory of relativity and quantum theory, even though they come from sort of a different way of thinking, somehow amazingly they kind of respect each other. It is actually quite interesting. That actually shows maybe it's not so surprising, because both of them describe underlying reality. But it also shows that there's something we don't understand fully about how the nature work. So trying, especially if you go further to general theory of relativity. Trying to understand quantum gravity and those connections, something that is on the frontier of physics. And hopefully one of you will just push it any further. 

Problem 10

Is there a theory that combines general relativity and quantum mechanics?

Artur Ekert

Now, there are many approaches to quantum gravity. But I think that at the moment So, this is the area where you can have various phenomenological models. You can, for example, ask questions how certain quantum phenomena will look in gravitational field. So there are phenomenological models, but there's no like one consistent and good theory of quantum gravity at the moment. 

Problem 11

What should we do when encountering some mathematical concepts that are very hard to understand? 

Gilles Brassard

Well, I think that Einstein famously answered this question to a little girl who was telling him that she had trouble with mathematics. And he answered, believe me, my difficulties with mathematics are far greater than yours. So in other words, math is not always easy. But it's important. And it's beautiful. And you need to work hard on it and not get discouraged.




程庆丰 李宏欣 赵光胜

ISBN 9787030323767






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