Secured edge infrastructure for Contactless Payment System
演讲者:Haitao Wang,Yih Leong Sun,英特尔。Lijun Zu,中国银联。
Network Function Virtualization Orchestration by Airship
演讲者:Cheng Li,英特尔Georg Kunz,爱立信。Xifa Sun,浪潮。
Kata Containers: a Cornerstone for Financial Grade Cloud Native Infrastructure
演讲者:Xu Wang,蚂蚁金服
Keystone as The Authentication Center for OpenStack and Kubernetes
演讲者:James Xu,Jun Gu,新华三。
Run Kubernetes on OpenStack and Bare Metal fast
演讲者:Ramon Acedo Rodriguez,红帽。
Quick, Solid, and Automatic-OpenStack Bare-metal Orchestration
演讲者:Rico Lin, 易捷思达。Julia Kreger,红帽。
From hire to retire: Server life-cycle management with Ironic at CERN
演讲者:Arne Wiebalck,Surya Seetharaman,CERN
How we used RabbitMQ in wrong way at a scale
演讲者:Yuki Nishiwaki,Dinesh Bhor,LINE
Machine Learning benchmarking with OpenStack and Kubernetes
演讲者:Erwan Gallen,红帽
Performance Enhancement in OpenStack for Elastic Hadoop Cluster
演讲者:Weizhong Yu,Lei Xu,Hu Lina,中国移动
Enable GPU-accelerated On-Prem Edge AI Computing with OpenStack Zun
演讲者:Bin Zhou,Lijun Gu,联想。Feng Shengqin,中兴通讯。