2019 年 7 月 13-14 日,第二届国际柔性电子学术大会将在杭州举行。第二届大会将持续专注柔性电子的前沿领域,大会主题将包括但不限于有机柔性电子、柔性显示、无机柔性电子、可延展电子、柔性能源、生物仿真电子、可重构电子、瞬态电子、生物合成电子、可穿戴电子和柔性机器人。同时本次大会也是持续为全球产业界、企业界提供更多了解柔性电子领域最新技术进展的机会。
截止目前,大会邀请到了美国三院院士 John A. Rogers 教授、Takao Someya 教授、英国剑桥大学教授 George Malliaras、中科院院士刘明教授等 21 位国内外顶级专家为大家带来前瞻性学术报告。
本周人物:Michael Dickey
据《科学进展》杂志 2019 年 2 月 22 日报道,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员开发了一种结合了橡胶弹性与金属强度的新型纤维。这种强韧的纤维有望用于柔性机器人、包装材料或纺织品行业。论文通讯作者、北卡州立大学化学和生物分子工程教授 Michael Dickey 就是我们本周要介绍的人物。
Michael Dickey
North Carolina State University, USA
Michael Dickey 教授现为北卡罗来纳州立大学化学和生物分子工程教授。他于 1999 年在佐治亚理工学院获得化学工程学士学位,2003 年和 2006 年分别获得得州大学奥斯汀分校化学工程的硕士和博士学位。自 2006 开始,他在哈佛大学化学系进行为期三年的博士后工作。随后进入北卡罗来纳州立大学化学和生物分子工程学院进行工作。
Michael Dickey 教授团队主要研究工作涉及聚合物薄膜、微流体、软材料、纳米电子学、光伏以及微观和纳米加工的跨学科问题。工作主要是通过简单、廉价和可扩展的方式来构建功能设备(例如,可拉伸电子设备、高效太阳能电池、仿生系统、能量收集基板等)。
Michael Dickey教授获得很多荣誉和表彰,其中包括 ASEE Southeastern Section New Faculty Research Award (2013),University Faculty Scholar (2013),Outstanding Teacher Award - Member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at NC State University (2012),Sigma Xi Faculty Award (2011),National Science Foundation CAREER Award(2010)。
附Michael Dickey英文简介:
Michael Dickey is the Alcoa Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the North Carolina State University. He received a BS in Chemical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1999, and a MS, PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Texas at Austin in 2003 and 2006, respectively. After postdocs at the Harvard University from 2006 to 2008, he joined the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University.
The Dickey group is studying new ways to pattern, actuate, and control soft materials (gels, polymers, liquid metals). A common theme of his projects is the importance of thin films, interfacial phenomena, and microfabrication. His approach is to (i) elucidate the fundamental properties of materials such that they can be harnessed in a useful manner, and (ii) develop new, unconventional approaches to fabricate, actuate, and assemble these materials. Applications of the research include patterning, 3D printing, stretchable/soft electronics, self-folding, actuation of soft robotics, wearable electronics, energy harvesting devices, reconfigurable circuits, and microfluidics..
His group is also interested in photo-curable polymeric materials, particularly those used in both photo- and imprint lithography. The properties (curing speed, sensitivity, elemental composition, dielectric constant, mechanical properties, viscosity, etc.) of these materials must be tailored and optimized depending on the application.
Professor Dickey’s achievement in research and innovation was recognized nationally and internationally with his many awards, namely the ASEE Southeastern Section New Faculty Research Award 2013, University Faculty Scholar 2013, Outstanding Teacher Award - Member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at NC State University 2012, Sigma Xi Faculty Award 2011 and National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2010.
2019 年 7 月 13-14 日,第二届国际柔性电子学术大会将在杭州举行,Michael Dickey 教授将作为嘉宾出席本次大会,并在大会上作主题报告。本届大会专注柔性电子的前沿领域,截止目前,除Michael Dickey教授外,大会还邀请到了美国三院院士 John A. Rogers 教授、Takao Someya 教授、英国剑桥大学教授George Malliaras、Ming Liu 教授等 21 位国内外顶级专家为大家带来前瞻性学术报告。
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