标准模型中基本粒子的质量问题 I 本周物理学讲座

2018 年 6 月 12 日 中国物理学会期刊网


报告人:罗民兴 院士





2A historical perspective aboutthe 2016 Kosterlitz-Thouless Nobel Physics Prize

报告人:Jorge V. Jose




3High Performance Computing, Attosecond Physics and Deep Learning

报告人:陈少豪,Louisiana State University




High-performance computing (HPC) plays a key role in nowadays scientific research. Computer clusters and GPUs are widely used in science and engineering. In this talk, I will first briefly introduce HPC and its recent development, then I will show applications of HPC in two research fields. (1) Attosecond physics. Especially we analyzed ultrafast phenomena in attosecond transient absorption spectrum. (2) Deep learning in quantum physics. We applied a convolutional neural network model to deal with the Schrodinger Equation. The model was learned from data.

4 基于纳米离子探针的高分辨同位素分析






5 Design and Engineering of Interfaces/Interphases for Stable Li Anodes





Li metal and Li-alloy based anode materials are the most promising anodes for next-generation Li batteries. The poor interfacial stability (unstable solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI)) in the battery has been the primary issue hindering their practical application. In this talk, I will present a strategy to reinforce the SEI with desired properties including good tolerance to the Li-based material volume change and efficient surface passivation against electrolyte penetration. The strategy works via introducing multiple functional components bonded to the Li-based material surface into the SEI. The SEI reinforced shows much better stability than the SEI reinforced by electrolyte additive strategy, which is the current state-of-art and commercially used solution to SEI stability issue.

6Historical development of high temperature superconductor materials: Cuprates, cobaltates, iron pnictides, chalcogenide and topological superconductors

报告人:Chengtian Lin, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research




This talk gives an introduction of the history of high temperature superconductor materials since the first discovered cuprate YBCO with Tc=92 K in 1986, followed on the development of other high Tc Type II compounds, including NaxCoO2, iron-based (iron-age) pnictides and topologicals. Although the Tc of newly discovered materials is not higher than cuprates, an entire new field on superconductivity has been opened, established and still in progress. The talk also gives some typical samples of superconductors in their preparation, crystal growth and characterization.  Finally present a short video to show the live crystal growth experiment using floating zone method.

It is a realistic challenge in materials sciences to search for new superconducting materials with higher Tc and/or to enhance Tc of the known superconducting materials. A message that the author would like to pass to researchers, especially young researchers and graduate students, is not to give up the challenges to the problems of high-temperature superconductivity.

7Optical design of the large optical infrared telescope and the technical development of large-scale astronomical equipment

报告人:Donglin Ma,HUST




I will focus on the optical system design of the 12-meter large optical-infrared telescope, and systematically introduce the optical design methods and the basic principles followed by the design of astronomical optical system, especially large telescopes. I will further discuss the way to evaluate the optical performance and scientific performance of the telescope based on different evaluation criteria. Specifically, the report will systematically compare the optical and scientific performance of classical RC system (three-mirror) and SYZ system (four-mirror). Finally, I will share some of the prospects and plans for the development of future telescopes and astronomical instruments, taking into considerations of the domesitc technical foundation, especially at Tsinghua (THCA), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and other domestic institutions; with the international collaboration opportunities.







9A link between major or intermediate mergers and the formation of galactic discs and of their structures

报告人:Evangelie Athanassoula



地点:first floor meeting room, KIAA

Using high resolution numerical simulations -- addressing the dynamics, the star formation, and the chemical evolution -- we follow the formation of disc galaxies during wet major mergers in which each protogalaxy is embedded in a hot gaseous halo. We witness the destruction of the discs of the protogalaxies and the inside-out formation of a new disc, which is both massive and extended. We also witness the formation of a classical bulge component whose mass relative to the disc varies from one run to another, taking values that cover all the range from lenticulars to spiral galaxies. The rotation curves of our model galaxies are found to be flat. In all our simulations the disc has substructures, such as bars, lenses, spirals and rings, with realistic morphology, including ansae and boxy/peanut bulges. We will briefly discuss some dynamics of these substructures, as well as the formation and properties of the thin and thick disc components. Last but not least, we will present results on metallicity and make comparisons with observations in the bar/bulge regions of our Galaxy.

10 Pure Spin Current for Quantum Materials

报告人:韩伟, 北京大学量子材料科学中心




Quantum materials have recently exhibited many unique spin-dependent properties, which could be promising material candidates for spintronics. On the other hand, pure spin current, flow of spin angular momentum without the company of any charge current, can be a useful probe for interesting quantum materials/states.

In this talk, I will present our recent experimental results on using pure spin current as a probe for topological insulators, spin superfluid ground states, and the interface at ferromagnetic-superconductor heterostructures. I will first talk about the pure spin current in SmB6 and resonant magnon absorption in (BixSb1-x)2Te3, which are consistent with the spin-momentum locked properties of the topological surface states. Then I will discuss the pure spin current transport in canted antiferromagnet Cr2O3, suggesting the existence of spin superfluid ground state at low temperatures. The last part of my talk will talk about the spin dynamics in an s-wave superconductor in the heterostructures of ferromagnet/superconductor, from which the superconducting gap properties at the interface could be inferred.  

11Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis in 2D CFT and its implication to AdS/CFT

报告人:Feng-Li Lin,Taiwan Normal University



地点:Conference Room 322, ITP main Building

In this talk, I will discuss ETH in 2D CFT in the large central charge limit based on my works done in the past 2 years with my collaborators. We calculate the entanglement entropy, Renyi entropies and various dissimilarity distance measures to compare the eigenstates and thermal states in the short-interval expansion. Our results reveal the subtlety of thermalization in 2D CFT and its implication to quantum gravity nature of the dual AdS gravity.

12 Novel Interaction and Topological Effects in the Electronic and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials

报告人:Ting Cao



地点:Room W563, Physics Building, Peking University

Recent advances in the experimental and theoretical studies of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials have opened up opportunities in exploring new phenomena and properties as well as related applications absent in conventional bulk materials. In the first part of my talk, I will present our theoretical studies on the quantum excited-state phenomena in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides and gapped few-layer graphene. By theoretical analyses and ab initio GW-BSE calculations, we discover excitons with exceptional binding energies due to the reduced dielectric screening in 2D (thus dominating their optical spectrum) and unusual optical selection rules resulting from a nontrivial topological band effect which occurs only in 2D. In the second part, I will discuss our discovery of topological phases in graphene nanoribbons. The topological phases enable us to rationally design a prototype graphene nanoribbon superlattice that hosts a coupled array of non-trivial junction states. I further connect our theoretical predictions to experimental results and demonstrate their potential applications.

13Exploring Proximity Coupling for Novel Spin-Dependent Phenomena

报告人: Jing Shi



地点:Room W563, Physics Building, Peking University

In heterostructures made of two dissimilar materials, proximity coupling at the interface can have profound consequences on the physical properties of both. Numerous examples exist in condensed matter physics. I will present our recent work on proximity effects to induce spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and exchange interaction. In graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterostructures, we have successfully induced up to 1.5 meV in Rashba SOC (two-three orders of magnitude greater than the intrinsic SOC strength) in graphene measured by quantum transport. To induce exchange interaction, we have exploited atomically flat rare-earth iron garnet films (e.g. yttrium iron garnet- YIG and thulium iron garnet- TIG) as the source of the exchange and demonstrated strong exchange interaction in graphene and the surface states of (Bi, Sb)2Te3 topological insulator. These two interactions are essential ingredients for realizing the quantum anomalous Hall state in both systems, which is very exciting for potential spintronic applications.






15Dynamical Control of Superconductivity with Light

报告人:Wanzheng Hu,Boston University




Using ultra-short laser pulses to drive quantum materials out of equilibrium is an emergent technique for dynamical materials control. Selectively driving low-energy excitations using femtosecond laser pulses can achieve novel quantum phases inaccessible at equilibrium.
    Combining dynamical light control with ultra-broadband transient optical spectroscopy, we are able to directly probe the dynamics of lattice vibrations and electronic excitations over the whole far-infrared region, revealing the physics behind the transient quantum phases. In this talk, I will present our recent work on light-induced transient superconductivity in bilayer and trilayer cuprates.

16Exploring Proximity Coupling for Novel Spin-Dependent Phenomena

报告人:Shi Jing, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California




In heterostructures made of two dissimilar materials, proximity coupling at the interface can have profound consequences on the physical properties of both. Numerous examples exist in condensed matter physics. I will present our recent work on proximity effects to induce spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and exchange interaction. In graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterostructures, we have successfully induced up to 1.5 meV in Rashba SOC (two-three orders of magnitude greater than the intrinsic SOC strength) in graphene measured by quantum transport. To induce exchange interaction, we have exploited atomically flat rare-earth iron garnet films (e.g. yttrium iron garnet- YIG and thulium iron garnet- TIG) as the source of the exchange and demonstrated strong exchange interaction in graphene and the surface states of (Bi, Sb)2Te3 topological insulator. These two interactions are essential ingredients for realizing the quantum anomalous Hall state in both systems, which is very exciting for potential spintronic applications.

17High-Temperature Superconductivity

报告人:李东海(Dung-Hai Lee),美国加州大学伯克利分校物理系




Raising the superconducting transition temperature to a point where applications are practical is one of the most important challenges in science. In 1986 a family of superconducting materials, namely the copper-oxide superconductors, was discovered. To date, the highest transition temperature is ~140K. However, despite unprecedented research efforts, the precise cause of the high transition temperature is still controversial. In 2012 a new interface high-temperature superconducting system was discovered. This system is based on entirely different materials. However, it shares many common features with the copper-oxide superconductors. Moreover, the reason underlies its high transition temperature has been found in the last few years. In this talk, I shall explain the mechanism for strong Cooper pairing in this system and what it teaches us about finding even higher temperature superconductors.

18Making Galaxy Formation Great Again

报告人:Neal Katz,Univ. of Massachusetts




QSO absorption line studies of the CGM using HST COS are the best direct way to study the accretion and galactic wind processes that are thought to dominate galaxy formation. Detailed numerical simulations are critical to interpret and understand these observations. Unfortunately, simulations are sensitive to wind implementations. Interactions at wind/halo gas interfaces in the CGM occur on scales that are much below the resolution of any current or near future galaxy formation simulation, making a "brute force" approach not viable. To mitigate this impasse, we propose to implement a new wind algorithm that explicitly models the "subgrid physics" in the wind-halo gas interaction analytically within a simulation, using the simulation to provide the physical characteristics that will inform the interaction. Unavoidably, this introduces a few free parameters but we can restrict them by matching observed galaxy Previous simulations using a more standard wind model approaches reproduced many observed properties of galaxies and metal-line absorption, but our new wind implementation will allow us to tie empirical successes, and failures, more securely to the underlying wind physics, both the ejection (mass-loading factors and ejection speeds) and the interaction between the wind and gaseous halo, and allow us to identify absorption line features with specific physical processes.

19Airborne and underground matter-wave interferometers: geodesy, navigation and general relativity 

报告人:Philippe Bouyer, Laboratoire Photonique Numerique Nanosciences



地点:Lecture hall 2736, Science building 2, Peking University

The remarkable success of atom coherent manipulation techniques has motivated competitive research and development in precision metrology. Matter-wave inertial sensors ? accelerometers, gyrometers, gravimeters ? based on these techniques are all at the forefront of their respective measurement classes. Atom inertial sensors provide nowadays about the best accelerometers and gravimeters and allow, for instance, to make the most precise monitoring of gravity or to device precise tests of the weak equivalence principle (WEP). I present here some recent advances in these fields:

The outstanding developments of laser-cooling techniques and related technologies allowed the demonstration of an airborne matter-wave interferometers, which operated in the micro-gravity environment created during the parabolic flights of the Novespace Zero-g aircraft. Using two atomic species (for instance 39K and 87Rb) allows to verify that two massive bodies will undergo the same gravitational acceleration regardless of their mass or composition, allowing a test of the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP).

New concepts of matter-wave interferometry can be used to study sub Hertz variations of the strain tensor of space-time and gravitation. For instance, the MIGA instrument which is currently built in France, will allow the monitoring of the evolution of the gravitational field at unprecedented sensitivity, which will be exploited both for geophysical studies and for Gravitational Waves (GWs) detection.

   The starting point for many experiments aimed at studying fundamental physics is to prepare a pure sample in terms of its energy, spin and momentum before injecting into an atom interferometer, spectrometer or quantum simulator. I will present an all-optical technique to prepare ultra-cold sample in magnetically insensitive state with high purity, a versatile preparation scheme particularly well suited to performing matter-wave interferometry with species exhibiting closely separated hyperfine levels, such as the isotopes of lithium and potassium.

    I will finally discuss how precision atom interferometry can be used to perform long-term, drift-free integration even in the harsh environment of the plane, and thus provide a new tool for precision measurement and navigation.









1.  则贤问学录—赵凯华篇(上)


3. 太阳能电池的明天

4. 相变存储器失效机理的研究进展

5. “冷分子制备与操控”专题讲座第五讲:基于激光冷却原子的超冷分子制备与外场操控

6.  物理学咬文嚼字之九十六:推之成广义

7.  超导“小时代”之二十九:高温超导新通路

8.  如何让“减负”不再成为问题 || 陆一

9. 捕捉引力波背后的故事(之八):枪口下的强迫婚姻

10. 周末大家谈—赵凯华讲述“中国物理教育从无到有并达到国际水平的历程”(下篇)




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