Website fingerprinting is an attack that uses size and timing characteristics of encrypted downloads to identify targeted websites. Since this can defeat the privacy goals of anonymity networks such as Tor, many algorithms to defend against this attack in Tor have been proposed in the literature. These algorithms typically consist of some combination of the injection of dummy "padding" packets with the delay of actual packets to disrupt timing patterns. For usability reasons, Tor is intended to provide low latency; as such, many authors focus on padding-only defenses in the belief that they are "zero-delay." We demonstrate through Shadow simulations that by increasing queue lengths, padding-only defenses add delay when deployed network-wide, so they should not be considered "zero-delay." We further argue that future defenses should also be evaluated using network-wide deployment simulations
翻译:网站指纹是一种攻击,它使用加密下载的大小和时间特征来识别目标网站。 由于这可以挫败Tor等匿名网络的隐私目标,文献中已经提出了许多旨在抵御Tor攻击的算法。 这些算法通常包括输入假的“布”包和延迟实际包包的组合,以破坏时间模式。 出于可用性的原因, Tor 意在提供低潜值; 因此, 许多作者都侧重于只贴贴贴标签的防御, 因为他们相信它们“ 零迭” 。 我们通过暗影模拟来证明, 通过增加排队长度, 只贴的防御在部署整个网络时会增加延迟, 因此这些算法不应该被视为“ 零迭” 。 我们还主张, 未来的防御也应该使用全网络部署模拟来评估。