Concerning its development in the virtual classroom, the web 2.0 educational innovation means the use and the production of textbooks and the personalisation of the classnotes. The controversy, that is a precondition of awareness, organized around the assignment of knowledge to a central authority vs its grant to individuals who need it to share their plans with others, would meet the present dynamism of e-learning. To introduce these training strategies with scientific information in marine sciences, an online course was transformed into an opportunity for evaluating and living open access.
翻译:关于虚拟教室的发展,Web 2.0教育创新意味着教科书的使用和制作以及班注的个性化,这一争议,即围绕向中央当局分配知识而组织起来的认识的先决条件,与向需要中央当局与其他人分享其计划的个人提供的赠款相比,将满足电子学习的活力,为了在海洋科学科学信息中引入这些培训战略,在线课程被转化为评估和开放访问的机会。