This paper studies the decision making problem with Funnel Structure. Funnel structure, a well-known concept in the marketing field, occurs in those systems where the decision maker interacts with the environment in a layered manner receiving far fewer observations from deep layers than shallow ones. For example, in the email marketing campaign application, the layers correspond to Open, Click and Purchase events. Conversions from Click to Purchase happen very infrequently because a purchase cannot be made unless the link in an email is clicked on. We formulate this challenging decision making problem as a contextual bandit with funnel structure and develop a multi-task learning algorithm that mitigates the lack of sufficient observations from deeper layers. We analyze both the prediction error and the regret of our algorithms. We verify our theory on prediction errors through a simple simulation. Experiments on both a simulated environment and an environment based on real-world data from a major email marketing company show that our algorithms offer significant improvement over previous methods.
翻译:本文研究“ 漏斗结构” 的决策问题。 漏斗结构是营销领域一个众所周知的概念, 存在于决策者与环境互动的系统中, 以层层方式从深层得到的观测远远少于浅层。 例如, 在电子邮件营销活动应用程序中, 层与开放、 点击和购买事件相对。 从点击到购买的转换很少发生, 因为除非点击电子邮件中的链接, 否则无法进行购买。 我们把这一具有挑战性的决策问题设计成一个带有漏斗结构的背景型土匪, 并开发一个多任务学习算法, 以缓解更深层缺乏足够观测的情况。 我们分析了我们的算法的预测错误和遗憾。 我们通过简单的模拟来验证我们的预测错误理论。 在模拟环境和基于主要电子邮件营销公司真实世界数据的环境上进行的实验显示, 我们的算法比以往的方法有显著的改进。