There is increasing interest in very short-term and higher-resolution wind power forecasting (from minutes to hours ahead), especially offshore. Statistical methods are of utmost relevance, since weather forecasts cannot be informative for those lead times. Those approaches ought to account for the fact that wind power generation as a stochastic process is nonstationary, double-bounded (by zero and the nominal power of the turbine) and non-linear. Accommodating those aspects may lead to improving both point and probabilistic forecasts. We propose here to focus on generalized logit-normal distributions, which are naturally suitable and flexible for double-bounded and non-linear processes. Relevant parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood inference. Both batch and online versions of the estimation approach are described -- the online version permitting to additionally handle non-stationarity through the variation of distribution parameters. The approach is applied and analysed on the test case of the Anholt offshore wind farm in Denmark, with emphasis placed on 10-min-ahead point and probabilistic forecasts.
翻译:人们对非常短期和高分辨率的风力预报(从前面的几分钟到几个小时)越来越感兴趣,特别是离岸。统计方法极为相关,因为天气预报无法为这些周转时间提供信息。这些方法应该考虑到以下事实:风力发电作为一种随机过程是非静止的、双层的(涡轮机的零度和名义功率)和非线性。适应这些方面可能会改进点值和概率预测。我们在此建议把重点放在通用的逻辑正常分布上,这对双层和非线性过程是自然适宜和灵活的。有关参数是通过最大可能性的推断估计的。对估算方法的批次和在线版本都作了说明 -- -- 在线版本允许通过分布参数的变换来进一步处理不常性。该方法在丹麦的Anholt离岸风场试验案例中应用和分析,重点是10个顶点和概率预测。