The structure ${\cal C}_2:=(1^\infty,\le,\le_1,\le_2)$, introduced and first analyzed in Carlson and Wilken 2012 (APAL), is shown to be elementary recursive. Here, $1^\infty$ denotes the proof-theoretic ordinal of the fragment $\Pi^1_1$-$\mathrm{CA}_0$ of second order number theory, or equivalently the set theory $\mathrm{KPl}_0$, which axiomatizes limits of models of Kripke-Platek set theory with infinity. The partial orderings $\le_1$ and $\le_2$ denote the relations of $\Sigma_1$- and $\Sigma_2$-elementary substructure, respectively. In a subsequent article we will show that the structure ${\cal C}_2$ comprises the core of the structure ${\cal R}_2$ of pure elementary patterns of resemblance of order $2$. In Carlson and Wilken 2012 (APAL) the stage has been set by showing that the least ordinal containing a cover of each pure pattern of order $2$ is $1^\infty$. However, it is not obvious from Carlson and Wilken 2012 (APAL) that ${\cal C}_2$ is an elementary recursive structure. This is shown here through a considerable disentanglement in the description of connectivity components of $\le_1$ and $\le_2$. The key to and starting point of our analysis is the apparatus of ordinal arithmetic developed in Wilken 2007 (APAL) and in Section 5 of Carlson and Wilken 2012 (JSL), which was enhanced in Carlson and Wilken 2012 (APAL) specifically for the analysis of ${\cal C}_2$.
翻译:2012 : = (1 =\ infty,\ le,\ le_ le_ le_ 2) 结构, 在 Carlson 和 Wilken 2012 (APAL) 中引入并首次分析的 2012 年 : = (1 \\ incinfty,\ le_ 1,\ le_ 1,\ le_ 2) 美元, 显示为基本循环。 这里, 1 ⁇ infty$ 表示碎片的校验理论或理论 $\ Pi1, 1 美元 - 1 美元 - 美元\ mathrm{ CA} =0美元 第二顺序理论或等价的设定理论 $\ mathrm{ { KPl=0$, 将 Kripke- Platek 设置理论的模型的极限化为无限值 。 在 Carlickerson 和 Wilken 中, 部分订购 $ 1 = lex_ old 美元, 在 car car car_ rial_ roal rode rodude rodeal rodude rodude rodude 中, 具体地, 5 $ 2 和 c=x 。