The so-called block-term decomposition (BTD) tensor model, especially in its rank-$(L_r,L_r,1)$ version, has been recently receiving increasing attention due to its enhanced ability of representing systems and signals that are composed of \emph{block} components of rank higher than one, a scenario encountered in numerous and diverse applications. Its uniqueness and approximation have thus been thoroughly studied. The challenging problem of estimating the BTD model structure, namely the number of block terms (rank) and their individual (block) ranks, is of crucial importance in practice and has only recently started to attract significant attention. In data-streaming scenarios and/or big data applications, where the tensor dimension in one of its modes grows in time or can only be processed incrementally, it is essential to be able to perform model selection and computation in a recursive (incremental/online) manner. To date there is only one such work in the literature concerning the (general rank-$(L,M,N)$) BTD model, which proposes an incremental method, however with the BTD rank and block ranks assumed to be a-priori known and time invariant. In this preprint, a novel approach to rank-$(L_r,L_r,1)$ BTD model selection and tracking is proposed, based on the idea of imposing column sparsity jointly on the factors and estimating the ranks as the numbers of factor columns of nonnegligible magnitude. An online method of the alternating iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) type is developed and shown to be computationally efficient and fast converging, also allowing the model ranks to change in time. Its time and memory efficiency are evaluated and favorably compared with those of the batch approach. Simulation results are reported that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in both selecting and tracking the correct BTD model.
翻译:所谓的轮廓分解(BTD) 软体模型(BTD), 特别是其级数- 美元(L_r,L_r,1) 版本,最近受到越来越多的关注,因为其代表系统和信号的能力得到加强,这些系统和信号由排名高于一的\emph{block}元件组成,这是在众多和多种应用中遇到的一种假设。因此,对它的独特性和近似性进行了透彻的研究。估算BTD模型结构的难度问题,即轮廓(级数)数量(级数)及其单个(级数)级数(级数),在实践中至关重要,而且直到最近才开始引起人们的注意。在数据流情景假设和/或大数据应用程序中,其模式中的一种代号数在时间上逐渐增加,B型数的升数在时间上逐渐增加,而B级和B级的递增值则被假定为快速计算。到目前为止,关于(一般级数- 级数- (L,M,N) 和直行数级数级数在文献中,B级和直位数的递增的递增方法显示的是,在B级中显示的级和直序- 直序- 预值的递变。