Background: Publication bias is the failure to publish the results of a study based on the direction or strength of the study findings. The existence of publication bias is firmly established in areas like medical research. Recent research suggests the existence of publication bias in Software Engineering. Aims: Finding out whether experiments published in the International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) are affected by publication bias. Method: We review experiments published in ESEM. We also survey with experimental researchers to triangulate our findings. Results: ESEM experiments do not define hypotheses and frequently perform multiple testing. One-tailed tests have a slightly higher rate of achieving statistically significant results. We could not find other practices associated with publication bias. Conclusions: Our results provide a more encouraging perspective of SE research than previous research: (1) ESEM publications do not seem to be strongly affected by biases and (2) we identify some practices that could be associated with p-hacking, but it is more likely that they are related to the conduction of exploratory research.
翻译:出版背景:出版偏差是指没有根据研究结果的方向或力度公布研究结果; 出版物偏差的存在在医学研究等领域已牢固确立; 最近的研究表明软件工程中存在出版偏差; 目的: 找出在经验软件工程和计量国际讲习班上公布的实验是否受到出版偏差的影响; 方法: 我们审查在欧经会议上公布的实验; 我们还与实验研究人员一道调查我们的调查结果。 结果: 欧经会议实验没有界定假设,经常进行多次测试。 单种专门试验取得具有统计意义的结果的比率略高。 我们无法找到与出版偏差有关的其他做法。结论: 我们的结果提供了比以往研究更令人鼓舞的东南欧研究观点:(1) 欧经社出版物似乎没有受到偏见的严重影响,(2) 我们确定了一些可能与p-hacking有关的实践,但更可能与探索研究的进行有关。