Hahn et al. (2020) offers an extensive study to explicate and evaluate the performance of the BCF model in different settings and provides a detailed discussion about its utility in causal inference. It is a welcomed addition to the causal machine learning literature. I will emphasize the contribution of the BCF model to the field of causal inference through discussions on two topics: 1) the difference between the PS in the BCF model and the Bayesian PS in a Bayesian updating approach, 2) an alternative exposition of the role of the PS in outcome modeling based methods for the estimation of causal effects. I will conclude with comments on avenues for future research involving BCF that will be important and much needed in the era of Big data.
翻译:Hahn等人(2020年)提供了一项广泛的研究,以解释和评价BCF模式在不同环境中的绩效,并详细讨论其在因果推断中的效用,这是对因果机学文献的欢迎补充,我将强调BCF模式通过讨论两个专题对因果推断领域的贡献:(1) BCF模式中PS与Bayesian PS在Bayesian更新方法中的区别;(2) PS在基于结果的模型方法中作用的另一种解释,用以估计因果影响;我将最后就BCF未来涉及BCF的研究途径发表评论,这些途径在大数据时代将是重要和急需的。