The early universe is dominated by phenomena at high temperatures. The thermal effects decrease during evolution of the universe. However there are some phenomena, such as processes inside stars and black holes, where the role of the temperature is important. Study of processes involving gravitons at finite temperature is a viable means to understand gravitational processes in the universe. Using the Thermo Field Dynamics formalism transition amplitudes involving gravitons and fermions at finite temperature are calculated. In this approach our results consist of two parts: one corresponding to the zero temperature part and the other corresponding to a temperature dependent part.
翻译:早期宇宙以高温现象为主。 宇宙进化过程中热效应下降。 但是, 也有一些现象, 如恒星内部的过程和黑洞, 其中温度的作用很重要。 研究在有限温度下涉及重力的过程是了解宇宙引力过程的可行手段。 使用热场形式动力学过渡振幅, 包括重力和有限温度下发酵。 在这种方法中, 我们的结果包括两个部分: 一个部分相当于零温度部分, 另一个部分对应温度依赖部分。