We explore novel game mechanics and techniques in the domain of gamified and game-based mobile mental health applications. By combining modern game design elements with techniques applied by practitioners (e.g., therapists) and known mechanics used in relevant games, we developed an integrated mobile game. Playtesting with a group of individuals showed a positive response towards the study's claims and a promising direction for further research.
翻译:我们探索在游戏和以游戏为基础的移动心理健康应用领域的新游戏机械和技术。 通过将现代游戏设计要素与执业者(如治疗师)和相关游戏中使用的已知机械技术相结合,我们开发了一个综合移动游戏。 与一群人一起进行的游戏测试显示了对研究主张的积极反应,也为进一步研究提供了有希望的方向。