Over the past few years, the explosion in sparse tensor algebra workloads has led to a corresponding rise in domain-specific accelerators to service them. Due to the irregularity present in sparse tensors, these accelerators employ a wide variety of novel solutions to achieve good performance. At the same time, prior work on design-flexible sparse accelerator modeling does not express this full range of design features. This has made it difficult to compare or extend the state of the art, and understand the impact of each design choice. To address this gap, we propose TeAAL: a framework that enables the concise and precise specification and evaluation of sparse tensor algebra architectures. We use TeAAL to represent and evaluate four disparate state-of-the-art accelerators--ExTensor, Gamma, OuterSPACE, and SIGMA--and verify that it reproduces their performance with high accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of TeAAL as a tool for designing new accelerators by using it to propose a novel accelerator for the sparse MTTKRP kernel.