Time-Sensitive Distributed Systems (TSDS), such as applications using autonomous drones, achieve goals under possible environment interference (e.g., winds). Goals are often specified using explicit time constraints, and, moreover, goals must be satisfied by the system perpetually. For example, drones carrying out the surveillance of some area must always have recent pictures, i.e., at most M time units old, of some strategic locations. This paper proposes a Multiset Rewriting language with explicit time for specifying and analyzing TSDSes. We introduce new properties, such as realizability (there exists a good trace), survivability (where, in addition, all admissible traces are good), recoverability (all compliant traces do not reach points-of-no-return), and reliability (system can always continue functioning using a good trace). A good trace is an infinite trace in which goals are perpetually satisfied. We propose a class of systems called Progressing Timed Systems (PTS), where intuitively only a finite number of actions can be carried out in a bounded time period. We prove that for this class of systems the problems of realizability, recoverability, reliability, and survivability are PSPACE-complete. Furthermore, if we impose a bound on time (as in bounded model-checking), we show that for PTS, realizability becomes NP-complete, while survivability and reliability problems are in the $\Delta_2^p$ class of the polynomial hierarchy.
翻译:具有时间敏感性的分布系统(TSDS),例如使用自主无人驾驶飞机的应用,在可能的环境干扰(如风)下实现各项目标。目标往往是用明确的时间限制来具体规定的,此外,系统必须永久地满足目标。例如,对某些地区进行监视的无人驾驶飞机必须总是有最新的图片,即在大多数M时间单位老化时,一些战略地点必须总是有最新的图片。本文建议采用多设置重写语言,明确指定和分析TSDSs。我们引入了新的属性,如真实性(存在良好的跟踪 ) 、 生存性(此外,所有可接受性等级都很好 ) 、 可恢复性(所有合规性痕迹都无法到达不回报点) 和可靠性(系统总是能够继续使用良好的跟踪运行 ) 。 良好的追踪是无限的痕迹, 目标可以永远满足。 我们建议了一种叫进步时间系统(PTS) 的系统, 在那里,不易理解的行动数量有限, 在一个约束的时期里, 我们证明对于这个系统来说, 真实性、 可靠性、 可靠性、 可靠性、 可靠性、 可靠性、 可靠性、 可靠性、 显示我们之间的系统是真实性。