Since their proposal in 2016, the FAIR principles have been largely discussed by different communities and initiatives involved in the development of infrastructures to enhance support for data findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse. One of the challenges in implementing these principles lies in defining a well-delimited process with organized and detailed actions. This paper presents a workflow of actions that is being adopted in the VODAN BR pilot for generating FAIR (meta)data for COVID-19 research. It provides the understanding of each step of the process, establishing their contribution. In this work, we also evaluate potential tools to (semi)automatize (meta)data treatment whenever possible. Although defined for a particular use case, it is expected that this workflow can be applied for other epidemical research and in other domains, benefiting the entire scientific community.
翻译:自2016年提出建议以来,参与发展基础设施以加强对数据可找到性、可获取性、互操作性和再利用的支持的不同社区和举措对FAIR原则进行了广泛讨论,实施这些原则的挑战之一是界定一个有组织、详细的行动的有限过程,本文件介绍了VDAN BR为COVID-19研究生成FAIR(元数据)数据的试验中正在采用的行动工作流程,它使人们了解了这一过程的每个步骤,确定了它们的贡献。在这项工作中,我们还评估了尽可能(emi)对(meta)数据进行(meta)处理的潜在工具。虽然为特定用途的情况作了界定,但预计这一工作流程可以用于其他流行病研究和其他领域,使整个科学界受益。