Instead of proofs or logical evaluations, compliance assessment could be done by benchmarking. Benchmarks, in their nature, are applied. So a set of benchmarks could shape an applied solution for compliance assessment. In this paper, we introduce the KARB solution: Keeping away compliance Anomalies by Rule-based Benchmarking. By rule-based benchmarking, we mean evaluation of under-compliance-system by its symbolic specification and by using a set of symbolic rules (on behalf of semantic logic of evaluation). In order to demonstrate and investigate the manner of KARB solution, we conducted a case study. The IR-QUMA study (Iranian Survey on Quality in Messenger Apps) is defined to evaluate the quality of some messenger apps. the results of evaluations suggest that the Hybrid Method of DD-KARB (with combination of semantics-awareness and data-drivenness) is more effective than solo-methods and could compute a somehow good estimation for messenger-apps user quality scores. So DD-KARB could be considered as a method for quality benchmarking in this technical context.