We present a free and open-source tool for creating web-based surveys that include text annotation tasks. Existing tools offer either text annotation or survey functionality but not both. Combining the two input types is particularly relevant for investigating a reader's perception of a text which also depends on the reader's background, such as age, gender, and education. Our tool caters primarily to the needs of researchers in the Library and Information Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities who apply Content Analysis to investigate, e.g., media bias, political communication, or fake news.
翻译:我们为创建包括文字说明任务在内的网上调查提供了一个免费和开放源码工具,现有工具提供文字说明或调查功能,但并非两者兼而有之。 将两种输入类型结合起来对于调查读者对某一文本的看法尤为重要,该文本也取决于读者的背景,例如年龄、性别和教育。 我们的工具主要满足图书馆和信息科学、社会科学以及应用内容分析调查的人类学研究人员的需要,例如媒体偏见、政治交流或假新闻。