Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) is a proprietary and undocumented IEEE 802.11-based ad hoc protocol. Apple first introduced AWDL around 2014 and has since integrated it into its entire product line, including iPhone and Mac. While we have found that AWDL drives popular applications such as AirPlay and AirDrop on more than one billion end-user devices, neither the protocol itself nor potential security and Wi-Fi coexistence issues have been studied. In this paper, we present the operation of the protocol as the result of binary and runtime analysis. In short, each AWDL node announces a sequence of Availability Windows (AWs) indicating its readiness to communicate with other AWDL nodes. An elected master node synchronizes these sequences. Outside the AWs, nodes can tune their Wi-Fi radio to a different channel to communicate with an access point, or could turn it off to save energy. Based on our analysis, we conduct experiments to study the master election process, synchronization accuracy, channel hopping dynamics, and achievable throughput. We conduct a preliminary security assessment and publish an open source Wireshark dissector for AWDL to nourish future work.
翻译:苹果无线直接链接(AWDL)是一个专有和无证的 IEEE 802.11 以IEEE 802.11为基础的特设协议。苹果于2014年前后首次推出AWDL,此后将其纳入整个产品系列,包括iPhone和Mac。虽然我们发现AWDL在超过10亿个终端用户装置上驱动AirPlay和AirDrop等大众应用软件,但无论是协议本身还是潜在的安全和Wi-Fi共存问题都没有研究过。在本文件中,我们通过二进制和运行时间分析,介绍了协议的运作情况。简而言之,每个AWDL节点都宣布了一个可用视窗序列,表明它愿意与其他AWDL节点进行通信。一个当选的主节点同步了这些序列。在AWS外,节点可以将其Wi-Fi无线电调换到一个不同的频道,与接入点进行通信,或者将其关闭为节能。我们根据我们的分析,进行了实验,以研究总体选举过程、同步准确性、频道设计动态和可完成。我们进行了初步的安全评估,并公布了一个未来安全评估。我们出版了。我们发布了一个开放源。