Controllable text generation (CTG) by large language models has a huge potential to transform education for teachers and students alike. Specifically, high quality and diverse question generation can dramatically reduce the load on teachers and improve the quality of their educational content. Recent work in this domain has made progress with generation, but fails to show that real teachers judge the generated questions as sufficiently useful for the classroom setting; or if instead the questions have errors and/or pedagogically unhelpful content. We conduct a human evaluation with teachers to assess the quality and usefulness of outputs from combining CTG and question taxonomies (Bloom's and a difficulty taxonomy). The results demonstrate that the questions generated are high quality and sufficiently useful, showing their promise for widespread use in the classroom setting.
控制性文本生成 (CTG) 通过大型语言模型能够极大地改变教育,为老师和学生带来好处。具体而言,高质量和多样化的问题生成可以显著减轻教师的负担,提高他们的教学质量。最近在这个领域的工作取得了一些进展,但未能证明真实的教师是否认为生成的问题足够在课堂环境中使用; 或者这些问题是否存在错误和/或教育上无益的内容。我们进行了一个针对教师的人类评估,评估了结合 CTG 和问题分类法 (Bloom's和难度分类法)输出的质量和有用性。结果表明,生成的问题是高质量且足够有用的,这表明它们有望在广泛使用中被应用于课堂环境中。