Background: Microservices migrations are challenging and expensive projects with many decisions that need to be made in a multitude of dimensions. Existing research tends to focus on technical issues and decisions (e.g., how to split services). Equally important organizational or business issues and their relations with technical aspects often remain out of scope or on a high level of abstraction. Aims: In this study, we aim to holistically chart the decision-making that happens on all dimensions of a migration project towards microservices (including, but not limited to, the technical dimension). Method: We investigate 16 different migration cases in a grounded theory interview study, with 19 participants that recently migrated towards microservices. This study strongly focuses on the human aspects of a migration, through stakeholders and their decisions. Results: We identify 3 decision-making processes consisting of 22decision-points and their alternative options. The decision-points are related to creating stakeholder engagement and assessing feasibility, technical implementation, and organizational restructuring. Conclusions: Our study provides an initial theory of decision-making in migrations to microservices. It also outfits practitioners with a roadmap of which decisions they should be prepared to make and at which point in the migration.
翻译:现有研究往往侧重于技术问题和决定(例如如何分割服务); 同样重要的组织或商业问题及其与技术问题的关系往往没有涉及范围或高度抽象。 目标:在本研究中,我们的目标是从整体上规划移徙项目对微观服务(包括但不限于技术层面)所有层面的决策。 方法:我们通过一个有根据的理论访谈研究调查16个不同的移徙案件,最近有19名参与者迁移到微观服务部门。这项研究通过利益攸关方及其决定,大力侧重于移徙的人的方面。结果:我们确定了由22个决策点及其备选方案组成的3个决策进程。决定点与建立利益攸关方参与和评估可行性、技术实施和组织结构重组有关。结论:我们的研究为移徙到微观服务部门的决策提供了初步理论。我们的研究还给从业人员提供了一份他们应该准备作决定的路线图,以及移徙的出发点。