Current statistical post-processing methods for probabilistic weather forecasting are not capable of using full spatial patterns from the numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. In this paper we incorporate spatial wind speed information by using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and obtain probabilistic wind speed forecasts in the Netherlands for 48 hours ahead, based on KNMI's deterministic Harmonie-Arome NWP model. The probabilistic forecasts from the CNNs are shown to have higher Brier skill scores for medium to higher wind speeds, as well as a better continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) and logarithmic score, than the forecasts from fully connected neural networks and quantile regression forests. As a secondary result, we have compared the CNNs using 3 different density estimation methods (quantized softmax (QS), kernel mixture networks, and fitting a truncated normal distribution), and found the probabilistic forecasts based on the QS method to be best.
翻译:用于概率天气预报的现有统计后处理方法无法使用数字天气预测(NWP)模型中的全部空间模式。在本文中,我们通过使用进化神经网络(CNNs)纳入空间风速信息,并根据KNMI的确定性和谐-Arome NWP模型,对荷兰未来48小时的风速进行概率预测。CNNs的概率预测显示,中风至高风速的比值更高,以及比完全相连的神经网络和量回归森林的预测更连续的概率分数(CRPS)和对数分。作为第二结果,我们用三种不同的密度估计方法(量化软式软式(QS)、内核混合物网络,并适合流式正常分布)对CNN进行了比较,发现基于QS方法的概率预测最好。