Studies of active learning traditionally assume the target and source data stem from a single domain. However, in realistic applications, practitioners often require active learning with multiple sources of out-of-distribution data, where it is unclear a priori which data sources will help or hurt the target domain. We survey a wide variety of techniques in active learning (AL), domain shift detection (DS), and multi-domain sampling to examine this challenging setting for question answering and sentiment analysis. We ask (1) what family of methods are effective for this task? And, (2) what properties of selected examples and domains achieve strong results? Among 18 acquisition functions from 4 families of methods, we find H- Divergence methods, and particularly our proposed variant DAL-E, yield effective results, averaging 2-3% improvements over the random baseline. We also show the importance of a diverse allocation of domains, as well as room-for-improvement of existing methods on both domain and example selection. Our findings yield the first comprehensive analysis of both existing and novel methods for practitioners faced with multi-domain active learning for natural language tasks.
翻译:积极学习研究传统上假定目标和源数据来自一个单一领域。然而,在现实的应用中,实践者往往需要积极学习多种来源的传播外数据,事先不清楚哪些数据源有助于或损害目标领域。我们调查了积极学习(AL)、域转移探测(DS)和多领域抽样方面的多种技术,以研究这个具有挑战性的背景,以便回答问题和情绪分析。我们问:(1) 方法的组合对这项任务有效吗?和(2) 选定实例和领域有哪些特性取得显著成果?在4个方法组的18个获取功能中,我们发现H-差异方法,特别是我们提议的变异-E,产生了有效结果,平均比随机基线改进了2-3%。我们还表明不同领域分配的重要性,以及改进现有领域和选择范例的方法的重要性。我们的调查结果首次全面分析了现有和新方法,供面临多领域积极学习自然语言任务的从业人员使用。