While email is the most ubiquitous and interoperable form of online communication today, it was not conceived with strong security guarantees, and the ensuing security enhancements are, by contrast, lacking in both ubiquity and interoperability. This situation motivates our research. We begin by identifying a variety of stakeholders who have an interest in the current email system and in efforts to provide secure solutions. We then use the tussle among stakeholders to explain the evolution of fragmented secure email solutions undertaken by industry, academia, and independent developers. We also evaluate the building blocks of secure email -- cryptographic primitives, key management schemes, and system designs -- to identify their support for stakeholder properties. From our analysis, we conclude that a one-size-fits-all solution is unlikely. Furthermore, we highlight that vulnerable users are not well served by current solutions, account for the failure of PGP, and argue that secure messaging, while complementary, is not a fully substitutable technology.
翻译:虽然电子邮件是当今最普遍和可互操作的在线通信形式,但它并不是以强有力的安全保障来设想的,而随之而来的加强安全保障则相反地缺乏普遍性和互操作性。这种情况促使我们进行研究。我们首先找出对当前电子邮件系统和提供安全解决方案的努力感兴趣的各种利益攸关方。我们然后利用利益攸关方之间的软盘解释行业、学术界和独立开发商各自为政的安全电子邮件解决方案的演变过程。我们还评估了安全电子邮件的构件 -- -- 加密原始、关键管理计划和系统设计 -- -- 以确定它们对利益攸关方特性的支持。我们从我们的分析中得出结论,不可能找到一刀切的解决办法。此外,我们强调,当前解决方案对脆弱用户没有很好地服务,对PGP的失败作了解释,并且认为安全信息虽然是辅助性的,但并不是一个完全次要的技术。