An over-the-air membership inference attack (MIA) is presented to leak private information from a wireless signal classifier. Machine learning (ML) provides powerful means to classify wireless signals, e.g., for PHY-layer authentication. As an adversarial machine learning attack, the MIA infers whether a signal of interest has been used in the training data of a target classifier. This private information incorporates waveform, channel, and device characteristics, and if leaked, can be exploited by an adversary to identify vulnerabilities of the underlying ML model (e.g., to infiltrate the PHY-layer authentication). One challenge for the over-the-air MIA is that the received signals and consequently the RF fingerprints at the adversary and the intended receiver differ due to the discrepancy in channel conditions. Therefore, the adversary first builds a surrogate classifier by observing the spectrum and then launches the black-box MIA on this classifier. The MIA results show that the adversary can reliably infer signals (and potentially the radio and channel information) used to build the target classifier. Therefore, a proactive defense is developed against the MIA by building a shadow MIA model and fooling the adversary. This defense can successfully reduce the MIA accuracy and prevent information leakage from the wireless signal classifier.
翻译:超空会籍推断攻击( MIA) 显示从无线信号分类器泄露私人信息。 机器学习( ML) 提供了对无线信号进行分类的有力手段, 例如, PHY- 级认证。 作为对抗性机器学习攻击, MIA 推断目标分类器的培训数据是否使用了有兴趣的信号。 这种私人信息包含波形、 频道和装置特性, 如果泄漏了, 则可以被对手用来识别ML基本模型的弱点( 例如, 渗入 PHY- 级认证) 。 超空MIA 的挑战之一是, 收到的信号, 以及因此, 对手和预定接收器的RF指纹因频道条件的差异而不同。 因此, 对手首先通过观察频谱, 并在这个分类器上发布黑盒 MIA 。 MIA 结果显示, 对手可以可靠地推断用于构建目标分类器的信号( 可能渗透到无线电和频道信息) 。 因此, 一种预防性的防御方法是防止MIA MIA 的信号的准确性, 。