A graph $G$ is well-covered if every minimal vertex cover of $G$ is minimum, and a graph $G$ is well-dominated if every minimal dominating set of $G$ is minimum. Studies on well-covered graphs were initiated in [Plummer, JCT 1970], and well-dominated graphs were first introduced in [Finbow, Hartnell and Nowakow, AC 1988]. Well-dominated graphs are well-covered, and both classes have been widely studied in the literature. The recognition of well-covered graphs was proved coNP-complete by [Chv\'atal and Slater, AODM 1993] and by [Sankaranarayana and Stewart, Networks 1992], but the complexity of recognizing well-dominated graphs has been left open since their introduction. We close this complexity gap by proving that recognizing well-dominated graphs is coNP-complete. This solves a well-known open question (c.f. [Levit and Tankus, DM 2017] and [G\"{o}z\"{u}pek, Hujdurovic and Milani\v{c}, DMTCS 2017]), which was first asked in [Caro, Seb\H{o} and Tarsi, JAlg 1996]. Surprisingly, our proof is quite simple, although it was a long-standing open problem. Finally, we show that recognizing well-totally-dominated graphs is coNP-complete, answering a question of [Bahad\ir, Ekim, and G\"oz\"upek, AMC 2021].
翻译:如果每个最起码的顶端封面都最少是G$,那么一个G$是完全覆盖的。如果每个最低的顶端封面是最低的G$,那么一个G$是完全占上风的。在[1970年,Plummer,JCT]中开始对覆盖良好的图表进行研究,在[Finbow, Hartnell和Nowakow,AC 1988]中首次引入了非常占上风的图表。优占上风的图表是完全覆盖的,在文献中广泛研究了这两个类别。[Cv\Alat{Alliter,AODM 1993年]和[Sankaranarayana和Stewart,网络1992年]都证明了对覆盖广泛的图表的认可是完全完整的。我们通过证明承认高压的图表是 CoNPA-NP的完整。这解决了一个众所周知的公开问题(c.f. [Levtus, DM2017] 和[GUP\ relittlex] Eral\\\\\\\ gromax, 1996年的答案是Seral.