In 1837, the first computer program in history was sketched by the renowned mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage. It was a program for the Analytical Engine. The program consists of a sequence of arithmetical operations and the necessary variable addresses (memory locations) of the arguments and the result, displayed in tabular fashion, like a program trace. The program computes the solutions for a system of two linear equations in two unknowns.
翻译:1837年,著名数学家和发明家Charles Babbage草拟了历史上第一个计算机程序。这是Analytical Engine的一个程序。该程序由一系列算术运算和参数以及结果的必要变量地址(存储位置)组成,以表格方式显示,类似于程序跟踪。该程序计算了两个未知数的两个线性方程组的解。