项目名称: 杂化纳米腔中NV色心间电偶极-偶极相互作用及调控研究
项目编号: No.11464014
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 黄勇刚
作者单位: 吉首大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 金刚石中的带单位负电的氮空位色心(NV)由于具有原子类特性以及固态环境,被认为是实现量子信息处理最好的选择之一。但是,目前以一种可控和可扩展的方式使得NV基态自旋子能级(qubit)相互作用仍然很困难。本项目从实验可行的外场参数以及典型的腔参数出发,研究腔中NV色心间所有可能存在的电偶极-偶极相互作用强度与外加静电磁场参数以及腔参数之间的定量关系,获得腔中NV色心系统有效的哈密顿量和有效的态及其激发和控制方式,建立起将NV色心间的电偶极-偶极相互作用映射到量子比特之间的方法。我们研究具有确定共振频率和模场分布的高Q/V的杂化腔设计方法;研究杂化腔中偶极-偶极相互作用的快速求解方法;进行数值实验,演示远距离NV色心间量子纠缠和量子逻辑门操作以及长时间最大量子纠缠现象,为设计基于NV色心的可控和可扩展量子计算提供理论指导,研究可能展现一些多种耦合通道下的新量子现象。
中文关键词: 光与物质相互作用;量子相干;NV色心;表面等离激元
英文摘要: The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has recently emerged as one of the leading candidates for quantum information processing thanks to its combination of atom-like properties and solid-state host environment.Unfortunately, it is difficult to make these NV qubits (the magnetic sublevels of the ground state) interact with each other in a controlled and scalable fashion. In this project, we start from the situation where the electrostatics and magnetostatics fields are depicted by the experiment allowed parameters of the strength and the direction and the cavity is expressed as an analytic function by the parametes of the quality factor, the mode volum, the resonant frequency and the mode profile. All the possible dipole-dipole interaction between two NV centers in a cavity is analytically expressed. Then we get the effective Hamiltonian, the effective states and the exciting or control method, which map the dipole-dipole interaction to the NV qubit. We study the design method of high Q/V hybrid photonic-plasmonic nanocavity with definite resonance frequency and mode profile. We study the ways to obtain an efficient method to investigate the dipole-dipole interaction in a cavity. By means of numerical simulation, we show quantum entanglement, quantum logic gate and largest entanglement in a long time. These studies are important for implementation of controlled and scalable quantum computation and will give some physical fundamentals to control the dipole-dipole interaction between NV. Our work may predict a range of new quantum phenomena with many dipole-dipole interaction between two system.
英文关键词: atom-photon interaction;quantum coherence;NV color center;surface plasmonic