项目名称: 深水陆坡区碎屑流对海底管道潜在冲击影响的定量研究-以荔湾3-1气田为例
项目编号: No.41206058
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 海洋科学
项目作者: 修宗祥
作者单位: 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 深水陆坡区海底滑坡产生的高速碎屑流给海底管道安全运行带来巨大威胁,如何定量解决碎屑流对运行状态下海底管道的潜在冲击影响,成为当前国际上深水油气开发工程中的热点与难点问题。本项目以南海荔湾3-1气田为研究区,在开展基于欧拉-欧拉两相流模型的大尺度碎屑流流动数值模拟研究的基础上,结合流变测试实验,进行基于海底识别参数的碎屑流等效流变参数反分析研究;通过地质条件对比,创新性的以等效流变参数为桥梁,实现碎屑流预测状态与碎屑流-管道-海床冲击耦合模型的连接,定量揭示目前研究尚未涉及的运行状态海底管道受碎屑流冲击的响应规律与破坏机制。本项目可实现碎屑流对运行状态海底管道潜在冲击影响的定量预测,能够为我国深水陆坡区海底管道设计以及碎屑流地质灾害定量评价与防治提供理论与技术储备。
中文关键词: 深水陆坡区;海底滑坡;碎屑流;海底管道;
英文摘要: High-speed submarine debris, as a consequence of submarine landslide, poses a great threat to the safety operation of submarine pipelines in deepwater continental slope area. How to quantitatively obtain the potential impact effect of debris flow on submarine pipelines has become a hot and difficult subject in the international deep water oil and gas field development project. In this study, the South China Sea Liwan 3-1 gas field is taken as the research area. The flow characteristic study of large scale debris is carried out by the numerical simulation method with Euler-Euler two-phase model; Combined with rheological experiment, the equivalent rheological parameters of field debris are studied by back analysis calculation method, based on the submarine identification parameters. By the comparison of geological conditions, equivalent rheological parameters are taken as the bridge,which is an innovation, between the predictive state of debris flow and the debris - pipeline - seabed coupling model,and then the response regularity and failure mechanism of marine pipeline, under running state, impacted by debris flow are quantitatively revealed, which are not involved in current researches. This study can realize the quantitative prediction of potential impact effect of debris flow on submarine pipeline under runn
英文关键词: deep-water continental slope area;submarine landslide;submarine debris;submarine pipeline;